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Falling for  karen

Falling for karen



Karen and Stefan met in unexpected circumstance. They are attracted to each other. There journey is full of ups and downs...will they end up falling for each other? Lets find out through this journey together.

Chapter 1 First encounter

My head was spinning and I felt the dizziness taking over as I kept searching for the door... finally my hand found the handel of the door. I pushed the door and locking it from behind.I leaned back on door. Suddenly I heard the noise of love making.... A moaning sound of a man and the that that sound of two bodies colliding echoed in the room. Slowly opening my eyes I first saw the bluest green eyes staring back at me from the reflection of the mirror... Those eyes....i couldn't look away from those eyes as they kept me locked in them.... The intensity in thoes eyes rose heat in my body...

Heat started rising in my body... My breathing became short..... I just stood captive their without looking away.... The sudden rise in moaning freed me from the trance as I looked away from those eyes lowering my head I saw the broad shoulders with the long back going down on strong hips with firm and round and that was bound by two lean legs. Raising my head I found his eyes still locked on me and once again I was lost in them. Everything else faded away except those greenish blue eyes that sucked me in them...

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