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Love changes

Love changes



Love can make people change . Love changes

Chapter 1 The love of the king and queen

There was a king named David the first and he was a good king who was loved by everyone around him and he was married to his beautiful wife Alice for she was beautiful that who ever saw her was amazed by her beauty. She was also kind and she loved children and her smile was as beautiful as a rose.

The queen gave birth to three girls and one boy the first born was named Alice just like her mother because she had the same smile and dimples like her. The next was named snow for her face was as beautiful and white as snow. The next child was named Esther for she reminded her father of his mother she looked a lot like her grandmother and her mother the same time and the last born was John the second because that was his grandfather's name.

For the king was happy with his family. The three sisters where so beautiful that all the kings wanted one of them to be their future daughter in law and John he was so handsome that the kings wanted him to marry their daughters.

The king loved Esther the most because she was always joyful and kind that she wouldn't even kill a little Spyder .

The girl's grow up with respect and honesty and everyone who saw them wanted them to be their own daughters, sisters and friend

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