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Is she dead is it a dream maybe a second chance ? Who knows. Something went wrong during Abigail's flight to paris and she ended up waking up in a hospital in another dimension which appears to be that of the book she read on the plane. Now she's the arrogant and disrespectful Victoria Stones. Her step brother and about everyone else hates her and her father ignores her. Get ready as she meets new people and gains new memories along the way.

Chapter 1 Inside a book

"Yes mom I know, yes I will call you as soon as I land, ok bye love you" I instantly ended the call getting ready to board the plane.

As to where I am headed, well I decided to go to Paris for my college summer vacation.

"All passengers traveling with France Airline please make your way to the entrance." Spoke a voice from the speakers on the wall.

I quickly took hold of my suitcase walking towards the entrance.

Abigail that's my name. I got this from my father.

The name supposedly means a father's joy.

If you can't already guess I was daddy's little girl.

My father died three years ago because of a heart disease. I suffered from depression after the loss

of a loved one, awakening the introvert inside of me I blocked myself from outside contact. As time passed it became easier.

My father was a boxer and I loved boxing as well.

It became our thing. I really miss him but it is the way it is.

Aside from boxing I also bake and read books with my mom. Sometimes my big brother and I played basketball.

I loved singing and playing the piano I wanted to be a singer however after my father's death I stopped playing and decided to pursue a medical career. Hopefully I could stop someone from meeting the same fate as my father.

"All passengers we will soon take off please insure your devices are on airplane mode, everyone please take your seat and ensure the belt is secure "

I got into my seat making myself feel comfortable for a long flight. Just enough time for me to finish reading "The Life Of Victoria".

Two hours passed by, unintentionally I drifted to sleep. When I suddenly became aware of the turbulence however it was not until passengers began screaming my eyes were shot open.

What happened ? Everything went blank. Did I die?

Is this the end ?

In the blankness a voice spoke

"Patience is key always remember to be courageous, strong, wise and brave stand tall never give up, my little warrior"

"Dad is it you daddy where are you I can't...."

I woke up and everything is white. My nose was filled with the smell of disinfectant and my head pounding.

"Victoria you're awake" a beautiful woman exclaimed. She was tall with long black hair and dark chocolate eyes her skin was fair and her body curvaceous.

"Who's Victoria" I replied my voice sounding horse from dehydration.

The woman's eye widened in shock.

"Nurse! Nurse! Please she's awake but I think she lost her memories"she shouted.

All I could think of was what was wrong with this woman.

"Umm miss can you please tell me which city am in" I demanded calmly. I had so many questions

like did my family know I was here.

"You're in the hospital in Night City" she replied a little more relaxed than earlier.

What city is freaking named "Night city"? Was the question that passed through my mind in that moment.

"Miss who are you" i asked

" I Am your step mom Ellen, Victoria stop playing around." She exclaimed

That's when I realized Night City, Victoria, stepmom Ellen this is from "The life of Victoria"

What the hell.

"Wait this must mean my father is Jones Stone and I have a step brother named Lucas" I asked

She nodded slowly in confusion.

"For a moment I thought you lost your memory"

She let out a breath of relief.

I couldn't understand if I was dead or in a coma and this was all in my head.

"Why am I in the hospital" I asked

"You were in a minor car accident" she replied to me.

"Can you please pass me a bottle of water ?" I demanded

She looked surprised but quickly left to go get the water, did I say something wrong?

The room was now filled with the sudden stillness giving me time to access my thoughts.

Is this all a joke, Or did I die and possibly travel through dimensions inside the book. No way that's not possible.


She returned to the room disturbing my state of thought.

"Thank you" I whispered as I received the bottle of water from her hands and she smiled lightly at me.

Soon, the doctor checked my health stating that I was fine to leave but I shouldn't strain my self and use too much energy they said.

Stepping out of the hospital I was relieved to see that everything looked normal as it was in my own world.

Ellen stepped in front of me. She was trying to hail a taxi.

I decided to assist her. In a few minutes we were able to get hold of a taxi.

We got in the taxi, Ellen apologized for me having to take a taxi. I told her it was ok, attempting to understand the problem with taking a taxi.

Starring out the window once again i got lost in though, how was my mom and big brother did they even know I was dead. Unaware a tear escaped my eye. I didn't want to believe that I would never see them again. That I would never again bake with my mother.

Or play basketball with Jonathan.

Before dying I remember hearing my father's voice he was reciting our moto

"Patience is key always remember to be courageous, strong, wise and brave stand tall never give up, my little warrior" .Why was I in some dream and not with him?

The screech of the wheels brought me back to reality.The car came to a stop in front of a large mansion.

And that's when it all hits me .

Victoria's father is a millionaire. Ellen was probably surprised with my change of characters.

Since in the book Victoria is an arrogant and disrespectful girl. My step brother hates me and probably sure a whole lot of other people do too.

We walked in and were greeted by a woman in a maid attire handing us our slippers.

I followed Ellen where ever she was going.

She entered the kitchen, turned around and looked at me carefully.

"I am going to begin preparing dinner" she said to me.

"Are you sure you're okay Victoria" she asked

"Yay is anything wrong" I replied she calmly shook her head.

"So what are you preparing tonight" I asked

"Pasta and steak" she replied

"That sounds delicious"I responded

"Will you be joining us tonight" she turned around and asked attentively

"Yes I will, I would also like to use the oven"

I replied.

"Victoria are you sure you're alright" she asked again

"Perfectly fine after the accident I just feel like a whole different person (literally)" I responded

"So what will you be baking" she asked as she prepared some ingredients.

"I don't know what would you suggest" I asked reaching for an apple from the counter top

"Maybe something with strawberries" she suggested.

"That sounds ok" I replied biting the apple.

"However first am going to need a bath" I stated at the moment I smelled like hospital. It was not bad but not so good either.

"Could you please show me the way to my room, my memory is a little blurry"

"You lost your memory" she exclaimed

"No just forgetful of some details" I said

" Oh ok Mary will gide you"She replied

If I remember correctly Mary is Victoria's personal maid. Perfect, It will make things a lot easier.

Mary arrived I greeted her with a slight smile, disposed of the apple and followed her.

She was calm and expressionless.

We reached my door I thanked her and entered the room.

The first thing I saw was pink.

Who coughed up coton candy and rainbows in here, this was definitely not going to work.

I found a box and got rid of as much pink as I could including posters of half naked men and the pink bed sheets. Thankfully the walls were not pink but white.

The room now looks liveable.

Thankfully the bathroom was not pink. Since I am pretty sure I would have thought someone had pink diarrhea.

To my surprise the bath soap and bathing products were lavender scented which I did not object.

Getting out of the bath as I wrapped a towel around my body I stood in front of the mirror.

And if I thought it was a joke before well.

It was time to start believing.


My skin was snow white my body curvy but not as fit and strong as it used to be my face was a defined oval shape, my eyes an icy cold bleu ,long dark brown hair fell down my waist and my lips full and bright as cherries I look like Victoria! Gawking at myself for fifteen minutes straight I finally got dressed in a light pink knee length dress. I was surely going to have to edit the wardrobe to suit my taste. Holding my hair in a high bun with loose strands of baby hair I swiftly made my way down the stairs.

Ellen seemed to be getting started on the steak, I hurried to the fridge.Finding everything I needed to make mini strawberry cheesecakes.

An hour later the house smelled like strawberries and chocolate.

"When did you learn how to bake " Ellen questioned

"Well I've been watching some baking videos here and there" I replied grabbing the bowl of vanilla bean sour cream I had made earlier to stuff the cakes after they cooled down.

I spent the rest of my time cleaning up with Ellen.

I found out that there was a small library and had to check it out, to call this room small would be an understatement, it seemed like every genre was here. I immediately found a scientific book hoping maybe I could understand what happened to me laying down in the black couch placed halfway through the room.

Reading for an hour has proved to be useless, I found nothing relevant to my situation.

A soft knock came from the library.

"Yes come in" I shouted, Mary entered the room

"Dinner is served" she informed me.

"Thank you I will be there soon" I replied

Putting the book back in it's place, I walked downstairs.

Arriving at the dinning room the table was overflowing with food. At the table sat Ellen and to other men one was dressed casually and the other professionally. If I was right the older one would be Jones Victoria's father and the other Victoria's step-brother Lucas. Jones sat opposite to Ellen , Lucas sat beside her so I took the seat next to Jones and sat down.

"Good evening" I greeted everyone.

Lucas ignored me and John replied calmly.

"Thank you Sweetheart how do you feel"

"Fine, thanks for asking"

"Why are you here" Lucas questioned not bordering to face me.

"I decided to join my family for dinner" I replied calmly.

"Why" he responded "That's wonderful" Ellen quickly replied attempting to cover up what Lucas had said. She handed me a plate of food. I smiled like a fool as I stared at my plate and began eating.

The room was silent yet the vibe was pleasant. When everyone was finished I followed the help into the kitchen so I could apply the cream to my cakes, then head to bed.

Lucas pov

Earlier this same day

I've been staying over at my best friend's house for two days now.

Surely If I stayed in the same house with that annoying brat called Victoria I would probably explode.

Sometimes I still wonder if I made the right decision allowing my mom to marry Jones.

"Lucas, Meghan keeps disturbing me for your number." Grayson said annoyed.

"Block her " I replied

"Coach texted were having a basketball match next week"Grayson stated

"With whom" I asked

"BSC Private school" replied Grayson

"Give me a second my mom is calling me" I stated.

"Grayson you need to come home Victoria had a car accident" my mom exclaimed

"Is it serious" I asked

"Thankfully not so much"

"So why do I need to go back"

"Grayson she's you little sister family"

"No she's just someone who lives under the same roof "


"Ok ok I will come back later"

I replied ending the call.

I got back home around dinner time and met Jones on the porch. We both entered the house and sat down for dinner.

Later to my surprise Victoria came down and sat with us. I knew immediately she was up to something.

She was acting suspicious. After dinner she quickly entered the kitchen and I went to my room.

It was 1am and I couldn't sleep. I went downstairs to grab a bottle of water. I noticed a small bright white light coming from the kitchen table and there stood Victoria scrolling through her phone eating what looked like sweets.

"What are you doing" I demanded

She looked up at me and replied "I couldn't sleep and got hungry, you"

"What are you up to" I responded coldly

"Nothing" she replied.

She looked up at me again when our eyes met she smiled "you want a cake" she asked.

"No..." I was immediately shut up when she placed a cake in my mouth. The cake was soft and delicate it had a light strawberry and chocolate taste accompanied with a creamy sour mixture.

It was delicious. " Good right" she asked

I nodded slowly as I observed her expressions.

There was no hidden emotion instead she looked genuine and calm.

"Well am going to go to bed by the way there are more cakes in the fridge" she whispered as she left. What was wrong with her did she hit her head in the accident I thought.

I quickly grabbed the water, unexpectedly my hand also reached for the cakes.

Victoria's pov


"Beep! Beep!"

The alarm on the desk beside the bed rang.

Who did I offend? I swiftly reached over and turned off going back to sleep. When a knock comes from the door. Getting up I wished I could hibernate for a whole season. Opening the door exaggeratingly slow, I found Mary at the door.

"Good morning I am here to help you get ready for school" she said.

Wait SCHOOL. I forgot!


Author's note

Hello everyone thanks for reading. This is my first story, I am sorry for any errors in advance.

Feel free to comment your opinions, tips and ideas about the story. Thank you.

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