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Attractive Cute Wife

Attractive Cute Wife



Anne Brown, who is firm, lovely, and outgoing, was betrayed by her family through setting a trap for her. In that case, she was robbed of all she had, including her reputation, her engagement and her fiance. At the crucial time, Denny White, who is the King of Carl City, appeared in her life. It was Denny who saved her from insults and threats, and it is also Denny who genuinely loves and cherishes her. Just as the legend goes that Denny was the most powerful, merciless, and arrogant man in Carl City, while he gives his whole heart to Anne.

Chapter 1 Pleasant Voice Like Cello Music

In the largest five-star hotel in Carl City, a chandelier hung from the top, and countless spotlights flashed back and forth in the dreamy venue. The engagement ceremony between Jim Smith, son from the most powerful Smith family across Carl City, and Anne Brown was being held.

But the bride-to-be was frantically chased by three, five bodyguards.


"So hot..." Anne tugged at her collar. There was an abnormal flush on her cheeks.

You wish, only dummies would stop!

Just then, she had a cup of wine given by her aunt, Kate Turner, and then started to feel unusual heat within herself.

She looked back at those in hot pursuit and ran straight towards the elevator. Although she had no idea what was in the wine, she knew it was definitely not something good given her impression of her aunt! Aware of the abnormality, she certainly would run. She was not stupid!

She pressed the button to the highest floor and let out a sigh of relief when the elevator ascended. Weren't those people so great? Could they fly up here?

Only she didn't know that floor was only open to the most distinguished guests of the hotel. Ordinary people were not allowed to show up there.

The burgundy velvet carpet stretched from the elevator to the suites. Without even considering, Anne rushed into one room. This kind of suite was extremely expensive, and she supposed no one should be there. Besides, she was not that unlucky, eh?

The heat within her became unbearable, and she swallowed. Consciousness started to leave her.

Darn it! What was happening to me?

The suite was lit by faint orange light, under which she could vaguely discern the luxurious interior and hear the pitter-patter of water from the bathroom.

Suddenly, the sound of the water stopped.

Out of the bathroom came Denny White, his lower body wrapped in a towel. His lean muscles and perfect V-line abs were exposed.

His eight-pack abs and golden proportion were comparable to those of a model.

His sculpted figure was naturally attractive and tantalizing.

Water dripped from his hair to his shoulders and then slowly trickled down.

"Who's there?" His icy voice sounded like a walking iceberg from the Antarctic. It was deep, lazy, and as pleasant as cello music.

Anne felt dizzier. Except for the heat all over her body, she could not feel other things.

So hot!

Why so hot?

It felt like a colony of ants was crawling back and forth in her. They were marching to her heart little by little.

She held onto the wall and moved towards the faint orange light. As she moved, a gush of coolness assaulted her senses. Widening her eyes with surprise, she itched her way forward. A cool and moist sensation seemed to stifle her heat instantly.

"Get out!"

The icy voice came abruptly with the cool sensation.

Now Anne didn't care about anything else except for the cool and moist thing that could stifle the raging fire in her. When she touched it, she felt like treading on air.

Although it touched not that smooth but bumpy and hard actually, she could make do. Holding the thought, Anne simply stuck herself on it. Whatever it was, it worked!

His face black with anger, Denny watched the intruder trying to seduce him. There seemed to be insoluble ink in his eyes.

"Do you have a death wish?" His voice sounded like an ice cellar. Gnashing his teeth, Denny looked at the little woman clinging to him, his eyes tinted with estranged rage!

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