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My Never Ending Love

My Never Ending Love



She loved all of her exes, but she can’t find the “right one” for her. With her cursed love life, can she met her one true love despite her life’s circumstances?

Chapter 1 1

Jazlene's POV:

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. It's only white here and I'm lying on the bed. What really happened?

"Oh Jazlene, you're awake. You've been asleep for three days." Nurse Vang greeted me.

In that case I was at the clinic. I've been sleeping for three days? Well, I'm late for class!

The only thing I remember that happened then was that we had a fight and then it lit up and then– well, I remember it now.

"Where are they, Killian? Did they leave again with his team?" I asked Nurse Vang and sat on the bed.

"They are practicing right now. It was three days ago when Hanako and his Shi Army invaded the University. He has already appointed the Tan Rebellion, the next war. Everyone must prepare for the upcoming war. They will not do it again. Hanako will be persistent because he is stronger now, because the blood moon is approaching. You also need to train and recover. You also slept for a few days." Nurse Vang explained and I stood up.

"Nurse Lovi, I'm going to go see them first. I feel fine, thank you very much." I say goodbye to Nurse Lovi.

"Alright, be careful and practice, you'll be good. By the way, your eyes are beautiful." Praise and will from Nurse Vang to me.

It's not just the eyes that are beautiful, it's me and my body too hehe. I nodded at Nurse Vang before leaving the clinic.

I'm walking to our training room now. Maybe I'll see them there, if they're not there I'll just look for them.

Am I still in their team or not? I think it's still included. They won't just leave me alone.

"Guys, Jazlene is awake!" Jett shouted when she saw me entering our activity area.

My colleagues are not here and only Class 1s. I'll just look for them again.

"How are you? How are you feeling?" Ma'am Wei asked me when she got closer.

In that case, everyone knows what happened to us. After all, we were fighting against outsiders, so we really should be informed so that everyone can be alert.

"I'm fine, I'm looking for them, Killian. Do you know where they are?" I asked Ma'am Wei.

"Ahh. They have their own training room now, everyone who was with the mission in the Middle World. It's outside this building in the arena itself. They also have that new student of the University. YosefGuo, the missing son of Haruka. He is the next heir and will sit on the Guo throne." Ma'am Wei explained to me.

Maybe that's why he's so strong and can even teleport. It's really different with royal blood, I hope it's all.

"Alright Ma'am Wei, thank you. Bye classmates!" I said goodbye to them and they waved at me, that's what they said.

I walked out of the University. I'm going to the arena now to check them out. Maybe I really need to practice,my back hurts from lying down for so long.

"Hey Girl!" Suddenly someone called

to me so I looked for who it was.

I was annoyed because I could be called hey beautiful, they ruined my day. Just kidding, I might suddenly be struck by lightning because of my arrogance.

"I'm Jelal, do you still remember me? You're awake now." Yosef Introducing me.

He has gray hair, as I remember he had black hair when we first met. Maybe I just rolled my eyes. He is also handsome, but of course my Killian is more handsome.

"I'm Jazlene, I'm going to the arena now to see them. Do you wanna go with me?" I asked Yosefand to walk first.

"You’re the one who will go with me. Come on, let's teleport over there." Yosef Said to me and held out his hand.

I nodded to him and accepted the hand he offered. It's okay, I won't be tired of walking anymore.

"Let's go." Yosef Said and suddenly pulled my hand and bound me.

He suddenly glitched and in an instant we were in the training room. He's great!

"Why are you with my girlfriend?"

The first time I heard it was Killian's voice. When I turned to him, his expression was silent as he approached me.

"This one is your boyfriend? Why don't you introduce him to me?" Yosef Asked and pointed to the approaching Killian.

Killian pulled me and held my waist when he reached our place. My baby is possessive, I love it.

"And why does Jazlene have to introduce me to you, huh? Who are you?" Killian asked Yosefarrogantly.

"That's right, stop now." I pulled away from both of them and stepped between them.

Maybe they fight later, what is my fight? Maybe these two will just flip me over when I pull them apart.

"Tsk, let's talk another day Jazlene. You have a lot to learn about things." Yosef Said while looking at me and suddenly disappeared.

"And you, why are you here and you just woke up and walked right away? Why are you with that one too? When have you been close?" Killian asked me with raised eyebrows.

That one is ugly, maybe there are ments. He should be thankful I love him. I'll kiss him right there, hmp.

"It's because I was looking for you, so I'm fine. I met him while I was walking and then he took me here." I explained to Killian and smiled. He’s jealous hehehe.

"Ok fine, don't go near that one. Nice contact lenses, by the way. I didn't know you were wearing those." Killian praised me and held my waist. I'm not wearing contact lenses right?

"All of you, prepare! All of you will train and fight! Let's hand to hand combat first!" A new teacher shouted ahead of us. I have never seen him before.

"Who is he?" I asked Killian. We are now sitting here on the bench.

"He is Lieutenant Kun of the Xin Army. He was sent here to train us. This week also because 'The Triangle' will be coming for a meeting. The Guos also want to see their missing grandson." Killian explained to me.

"Ah, is that so, I'm going to get dressed." I said goodbye to Killian and was about to leave when he held my hand.

"Where are you going? You just woke up and you're going to be tired, rest first." Killian scolded me but of course I would not agree.

I can do it, I'm strong. I will not die and get sick because I am immortal.

"I can do it, don't worry. You're here too, aren't you, please?" I said to Killian and smiled.

"Fine, as long as you rest anyway." He bought it so I kissed him before I went to the dressing room.

I am now walking to the dressing room. It was close to here so I saw it quickly. Sierra and Hugo are outside talking.

"Hey please, talk to me." I heard Kill insisting on Sierra but Sierra's face was emotionless. My gossip is over.

"Excuse me." I interrupted their conversation and entered the dressing room.

I immediately took a PE set from the cabinet here. They have a supply here, that's how royal blood is. I don't even know who I wore it to, it's just right for me, let it go. I looked in the mirror and was surprised to see that my eyes were gray.

"What the fuckening fucking shit, what is this!?" I screamed when I saw myself.

I went to the mirror and tried to remove it, but I just poked my eye. The pain, why am I stupid?

Could it be that I lacked sleep today? Stupid, that's impossible.

Couldn't this be the effect when I first touched Jelal? With the strength of energy that came out of us then, I even slept for three days. I'll just ask him later.

I like this color, it's beautiful. I feel like a raw foreigner. That's why Nurse Vang said my eyes are beautiful, Killian also said nice contact lenses.

I left the dressing room and went back to the arena. Hugo is no longer outside and Sierra is probably starting inside.

"Go here, in the middle in 3,2 and 1!" Lieutenant Kun shouted.

Fuck, his Lieutenant is gay!? It's terrible, I still thought he was strong and manly.

"Hey you witch, I don't want to be slowed down! Stand by Sierra girl." He shouted.

Lieutenant Kun approached me and pulled my arm until I was next to Sierra.

"You ugly people, listen to the beautiful! Today, you impacters will reach out to hand first and impact you. Hugo and Ron, Nolan and Demetrius, and Shuji and Killian will be partners with the boys. You will be there at the other end, faster!" Lieutenant Kun shouted and blinked.

"To the girls, Aezzel and Gwen, Cali and what's your name?" Ask me Lieutenant Kun.

"Jazlene." I answered him and looked at Cali.

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