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Love without limits

Love without limits



Rose was in a lot of trouble, but John helped her. He became her hero and saved her life. But then, he did something that hurt her very badly. He caused her so much pain that it felt like she was in hell. Rose's love for John turned into sadness and suffering. Rose thought about how John had changed her life. She wondered if he knew how much she loved him. "John, I love you," she said, but he didn't seem to care. Rose remembered the good times they had together, but now they seemed distant. She felt like her heart was broken into pieces. John couldn't understand why John had hurt her so much. She thought about the promises they made to each other and how he had broken them. She felt like she was stuck in a never-ending nightmare. Rose wished that John could understand her feelings and apologize for his actions. She wanted him to know that his actions had caused her so much pain. Despite the pain, Rose still loved John. She hoped that someday he would realize what he had done and make things right. Until then, she was stuck in her own personal hell, suffering from the hurt he had caused her.

Chapter 1 Saving Little Brother's Life

To save her younger brother's life, Rose had no choice but to surrender to the fat man's demands. He burst into the room, reeking of cigarettes and alcohol, his offensive smell filling the air. Rose scrunched up her face in disgust. The fat man had to turn sideways to fit through the doorway, his bulk squeezing into the room. He rubbed his hands together, leering at Rose, and said, "My beautiful sis, I can't wait!"

As he approached her, Rose panicked and backed away, her silk cloth splitting and falling to the ground. The fat man's eyes widened, and he pounced on her, grabbing her legs. Rose tried to struggle free, but he slapped her and cursed, "You whore, you're selling yourself and still pretending to be holy! Obey me!"

Just as all hope seemed lost, Rose mustered the strength to kick the fat man in his weakest spot. He screamed in agony, and Rose seized the chance to escape, grabbing her clothes and fleeing the room. She knew she had broken Twilight's rules and would face punishment.

In the corridor, she bumped into a handsome man, John, who wore a Cesareattolini suit. Desperate, Rose clung to his thigh and begged, "Please help me!" John was taken aback but soon found himself surrounded by thugs. The fat man pointed at Rose, saying, "She's the one, take her and return her to me!"

The head thug hesitated, sensing something was off about John. "Sorry, sir, this woman is our employee. She's hurt a customer. Please hand her over." John's firm gaze made the fat man back down, and he declared, "I want this woman!" The scene fell silent, and the thugs retreated, recognizing John's authority.

The noise attracted onlookers, and a handsome man appeared, greeting John as "Second Brother." The thugs saluted him, revealing his high status in Twilight. John demanded, "Name your price!" The fat man trembled, knowing John's influence, and fled, abandoning his claims to Rose.

John was unfazed by the scene before him and asked Rose, still unconscious, "How long do you want to hug my leg?" Rose Kelly stood up, her face red and nervous, and thanked him repeatedly. "Is this your first time?" Rose's pale face indicated her inexperience. "What's the price?" John's words made Rose even more nervous. "1 billion..." Rose realized she had made a mistake by getting too emotional; she couldn't afford the hospital bills, and the consequences for her sister would be dire. But then she thought, "If this man is willing to lend me the money..." However, she shook her head, knowing she couldn't be greedy after he had already saved her once.

"Give him the money," John said. Rose looked at him in disbelief. Fred Brown objected, "Second brother, this woman may be special, but spending 1 billion on her is foolish. There's a better woman here, if you like..." John's words silenced Fred, who reluctantly handed Rose a check from his wallet. Rose's hands shook as she took the check, her eyes struggling to focus on the numbers.

As John turned to leave, Rose chased after him. "Sir, I can't just take this money..." John turned around, his face calm, and asked, "So?" Rose's face reddened, but she continued, "Please leave your contact information; I'll return the money..." John interrupted her, "Just get the debt first!" and left her standing there as he entered the elevator.

Outside the elevator, Fred complained, "Second brother, you're wasting your money! It's hard for me to get this pocket money..." John stopped in his tracks, knowing Rose was the golden girl who had made a deep impression on the city, but he didn't care about that. He had saved her without thinking, drawn by her gaze full of desire and her need for money. This woman could control her emotions easily.

John closed his eyes, then opened them again and slapped Fred on the head. "If you have free time, come to the company. If I find out you're hanging around here..." Fred's expression turned fearful, and he nodded hastily. John's presence intimidated Twilight, and even the arrogant manager showed respect and accompanied Rose. Rose was shocked by this special treatment and quickly took a taxi to change clothes and head to the hospital.

After paying the operating costs, the doctor performed the surgery. Rose felt anxious for the first time. When the operation was over, she stood up, and the doctor informed her that everything had gone smoothly. The next day, David Kelly woke up to see his sister sleeping next to him. Rose's hair was messy, and David gently tidied it. When Rose woke up, she had dark circles under her eyes. "David, you're awake! How do you feel? Do you need a doctor?" David smiled brightly. "Sis, I'm fine. I can press the bell button if I need anything. You're busy, just leave me here."

Rose looked away, hiding her suffering. She had resigned from Twilight, and her good name would soon spread. David understood her silence and offered to apologize to her manager and return to work. Rose reassured him, "Calm down, I didn't resign. I took a few days off to care for you." David was relieved but looked unwell. "Sis, thank you. I've troubled you..." Rose pretended to be angry, "What did you say? It's natural for older siblings to care for younger ones. Say that again, and I'll spank you!" David smiled, and they exchanged a comfortable glance.

The doctor called Rose and handed her the examination results. Rose looked pale. "Doctor, didn't the operation go smoothly? How come..." The doctor looked guilty and helpless. "The operation was successful, but the patient showed acute resistance. He has three months left to live...if you can afford it, try treating him abroad."

Rose was shocked and leaned against the patient's room door, her thoughts blank. Three months... David Kelly, who had nothing, was sent home. He had to take a lot of medicine, which he didn't like. Rose got a design job, leaving early and returning late, sometimes taking on private work to make ends meet. Tonight, she cooked David's favorite squid dish. As she finished, an Audi R8 stopped outside - Grace Amanda's car, David's biological mother.

Grace, a rich woman, got out and approached Rose, who stiffened. "Auntie..." Grace said, "I've heard about David's problem. Why didn't you come to me?" Rose smiled bitterly. "If David knew you were paying, would he agree to the operation?" Grace fell silent, then said, "I've made mistakes. I'll take responsibility now. I'll take him as my adopted child and handle his school problems." Rose hesitated, then handed Grace the examination results. "Take him for treatment abroad first. I haven't told him the operation failed."

Grace's expression changed as she saw the results. She nodded and arranged for her assistant to handle the details. They agreed to pick up David the next morning. At dinner, David talked about the Marvel Avengers movie, but Rose ignored him. After eating, David wanted to clean up, but Rose stopped him. "Aunt Grace will pick you up tomorrow. David understood and his emotions rose. "She left me when I was little and didn't care when I was sick. Now she wants me to go with her? No way! Sis, we'll fight through this together!"

Rose kept her head down, hiding her tears. "David, you're an obstacle to me. You're always sick, making it hard for me to find a boyfriend and work in peace. I'm tired..." David glared at her, his face pale, and shouted, "I don't want to go!" before storming into his bedroom. Rose finally let her tears fall, reluctant but knowing she had to let him go.

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