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The Alpha's Seduction

The Alpha's Seduction


Chapter 0 Prologue

Word Count: 401    |    Released on: 15/01/2018

lable desk I had found when I first entered the

plaining, mind you

be surrounded by other classmates from all sides, which was not what you'd be willing to go through if you were

ght to be at this school; an honorable private school that I wo

I was a brill

o. Most of them were seventeen or eighteen, whereas I had still to turn sixteen. The fact that I skipped a grade or two

ake friends, ' I

cop. And I've got two brothers; Jeremy, the older one, is now at the local

normal life, with a sli

l and such, but here I mostly stick t

ignored, and it suits me. No attent

t the very moment I thought this was that m

at changed my simpl

hat witnessed the

hat I was sure to

ay back at school… the day that J

s is my

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