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Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn


Chapter 1 Prologue (Phoenix Reborn)

Word Count: 2227    |    Released on: 15/07/2018

man knelt on the ground in front of the highest turret. She didn't feel

es seemed hollow. She clutched a baby in her arms. She seemed worried about h

t see you." Lian Xin was guarding the turret's entrance. She had been

r teeth, she pulled at the cloak. She wanted to protect the baby from getting wet. When did it star

lready dried up? She had cried so bitterly in the past that now, even at

I always treated you nicely. Now, please. I just want to see the Emperor's Son-in-law and ask him to

ered that no one should interrupt him..." Lian Xin stood under the eave and looked at the kne

lsivity. She rose to her feet and dashed toward Lian Xin. This was beyond Lian Xin's expectation. She braced herself, but the

dy, "Hum! What do you think you can achieve by going up there?" she shouted after the Princess. "Do you r

foot on the last flight, she heard Hua Jing, "Emm.

she thought she'd drop her baby. She had to l

last flight of stairs. She elbowed the door op

cocheted off the stone walls. Yun Shang shran

in fury after seeing Yun Sh

ak. After taking a few labored breaths, she managed to whisper

im rubbed his chest playfully. He caught her somewhat malignant smile and returned the gesture. She said, "Jingran if

and found a rope. "Put Huan'er on the table. After you wat

. Nobody in the Princess's Mansion would support her now. Yun Shang put the baby on the table, and

hooked them around his waist. Her toes fondled his back gently. A fire ignited in h

ming smile, "Look, my little princess sister. Let your e

laughter, before continuing wi

nd moans of lovemaking per

e cut after another. In her trance, she could even

r myself, and with him, lies my elder princess s

by on the table. His face seemed paler and his eyes were lusterless. She was getting worried. Tears finally fel

outed at Yun Shang. Getting off the bed once again, he walked towards Yun Shang but stopped to l

ingran took the baby, opened

up. She had forgotten that she had been bound. The

felt, Yun Shang screamed. Her scream was so heartbre

n Shang took a deep breath when her sister pointed the sword at her face. "Oh, my! I have no idea what's wrong with me toda

eyes, Yun Shang pleaded, "You can do whatever you want to my face

ang felt a burning pain. With it grew an overwhelming hatred in her heart. But she tho

a whimper? How boring!" She cut the rope bindi

or. But she slipped and rolled down the stairs. At the base of the turr

ound his little head. Yun Shang gently scooped up her baby. "It's all right. It's all right. My little Huan'er is fine. Mommy will take you to see the Imperial P

?" Mo Jingran who had been standing by the window

your control, don't you?" She cannot leave. Even if she manages to enter the Imperial Palace, she can only s

lifted the woman in his arms

shouted, "Jingran,

court maid scurried into the inner chamber, and reported to a graceful

r* say that Yun Shang is under hous

ed to show affection towards another pe

ang's sobs and please could be heard. " Mother,

e was a terrifying scar on her face. It was so deep that she could see the bone. The young woman open

isapproving look. "Save what?

ase send for an Imperial Physician to save Huan'er." Yun S

Xin, go and fetch the Imperial Physician. On your way there ask someone

rincess in a gentle tone, "Take a seat, Yun Shang. I have sent someone for the Imperial Physician. You should drink

uldn't be anybody to take care of Huan'er if I am sick. Nobody…" With those words, she reached her

What I hate the most is people who stain my Qiwu Palace

ess's tone. Before she could understand what changed, a sudden pain coursed

soft voice beside her seemed familiar. Yun Shang turned to

n Shang frowne

spoke in a tone so cold, it scared Yun Shang. "It was not my intention to kill you,

e most stupid woman in the world. I trusted you, trusted Hua Jing, and trusted Mo Jingran. It never occurred to me that the people I trusted would tre

life, I will certainly find all of you. I shall have my revenge, revenge..." It

's breath. When she felt no air escapin

ced it in her hair and swiveled to see its reflection in her mirror. "Dead? Then

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue (Phoenix Reborn)2 Chapter 2 Reborn3 Chapter 3 Alone In The Lingering Cold4 Chapter 4 Burning Flames and Woken Dreams5 Chapter 5 Day Break6 Chapter 6 A Haunting Dream7 Chapter 7 Trouble Comes8 Chapter 8 Only a Hint of a Smile9 Chapter 9 A Shimmering Light in the Dark10 Chapter 10 Prudence11 Chapter 11 Initiation12 Chapter 12 Disturbance13 Chapter 13 Interlocking14 Chapter 14 Roll with the Punches15 Chapter 15 The Coming-of-age Ceremony And A Gift16 Chapter 16 Rise To Fame17 Chapter 17 Sudden Illness18 Chapter 18 Lady Jin's Plan19 Chapter 19 Master Wu Na's Visit20 Chapter 20 A Silver Lining21 Chapter 21 Family Reunion22 Chapter 22 Grown Up23 Chapter 23 Returning to the Palace24 Chapter 24 Gossip25 Chapter 25 Poisoned Cat26 Chapter 26 Ill Intention27 Chapter 27 The Fight Between Two Tigers28 Chapter 28 Phoenix Hairpin29 Chapter 29 Invitation From The Royal Sister30 Chapter 30 Plot31 Chapter 31 Victory Feast32 Chapter 32 Another Incident33 Chapter 33 The Embroidery34 Chapter 34 Coming-of-age Ceremony, Part 135 Chapter 35 The Coming-of-age Ceremony, Part 236 Chapter 36 Prince Jing37 Chapter 37 Illness38 Chapter 38 The Person Behind Lady Shu39 Chapter 39 Doctor Recommended by Prince Jing40 Chapter 40 Alliance41 Chapter 41 The Rushed Qin Meng42 Chapter 42 Punishing Qin Meng43 Chapter 43 The Empress' Scheme44 Chapter 44 Lin's Disappearance45 Chapter 45 The maid, Qian Yin46 Chapter 46 The gambit47 Chapter 47 Qin Meng Seeks Help48 Chapter 48 Pregnant 49 Chapter 49 Seduction50 Chapter 50 Adultery Exposed51 Chapter 51 Qin Meng Receives a Title52 Chapter 52 Hua Jing Returns To The Palace53 Chapter 53 Lady Jin Was Pregnant54 Chapter 54 Let The Empress Take Care Of Lady Jin55 Chapter 55 Yun Shang Is Missing56 Chapter 56 The Failure of Hua Jing's Plot57 Chapter 57 Lady Zhao58 Chapter 58 Hua Jing’s Worries59 Chapter 59 A Gift From Yun Shang60 Chapter 60 Presenting the Gift in the Buddhist Prayer Room61 Chapter 61 Hua Jing's Request62 Chapter 62 Divination For Lady Zhao63 Chapter 63 The Girl Named Qian Shui64 Chapter 64 An Assassination65 Chapter 65 The Interrogation66 Chapter 66 The Secret That Wang Jinhuan Overheard67 Chapter 67 Hua Jing's Temptation68 Chapter 68 Marriage Arranged By Emperor Ning69 Chapter 69 The Feast70 Chapter 70 Falling For The Trap71 Chapter 71 Strike Back72 Chapter 72 The Empress Is Pregnant73 Chapter 73 Before The Storm74 Chapter 74 Seeking Proof75 Chapter 75 Lady Jin Visits76 Chapter 76 A Warning From Lady Ming77 Chapter 77 The Banquet At Jinxiu Palace78 Chapter 78 The Performance79 Chapter 79 The Empress' Secret80 Chapter 80 A Lesson For Lady Shu81 Chapter 81 Chaos At The Sacrificial Ceremony82 Chapter 82 Settling The Chaos83 Chapter 83 Coming to the Borderland84 Chapter 84 Conspire With The Devil85 Chapter 85 A Secret Letter From Qingsu86 Chapter 86 Hua Jing‘s Sudden Arrival87 Chapter 87 The Fire In The Camp88 Chapter 88 The Unexpected Love89 Chapter 89 Countermeasures90 Chapter 90 The Stolen Army Deployment Plan91 Chapter 91 The Dust Settled92 Chapter 92 Lady Fu93 Chapter 93 The Odd Cat94 Chapter 94 Leaving It Unsettled95 Chapter 95 The Nightmare96 Chapter 96 The Versions Of Truth97 Chapter 97 Prince Jing's Visit98 Chapter 98 Marriage Granted at Chinese New Year's Eve99 Chapter 99 Framing100 Chapter 100 Breaking