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Born to be a slave.

Born to be a slave.

Author: SBany

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 790    |    Released on: 18/07/2018

ate protector,

- God

And I was one of them. A slave. I think that is the only purpose for me in my short life. Since I can remember, I have been working as a slave. I think it will be for seven years. Though, sometimes I am not even sure about it. I have never attended a school or learned anything useful, reading, counting. Just basic stuff, but not enough to function on my own. Right now I was sitting on a tiny stack of hay, waiting for somebody to buy me. I didn't want to go to another pl

s for other ones, that were here with me. I hold my head low a

ack, greasy hair. I didn't bother to

one!" I heard the vo

not last long. You don't need her. We can find someone

said I w

ssumed. His statement was clear, his voice stern and demanding. I felt his small hand touch my sh

at me!" h

n't b

. You are gonna regret if you ta

My eyes were shut tight. Please, not me, not me. I was chanting in my head. He curved his smooth fingers around my chin and pulled i

his voice was more thr

es and finally looked at t

and keeping it warm. And a black, silky scarf was loosely around his neck. But the most striking thing about him was his eyes. They were almost white, with a hint of purple in it. It looked so bizarre and strange. I have nev

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id quietly, b

. Better get used to

y going to buy her? an

will be my persona

of them. I couldn't believe they will b

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