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The Billionaire's Struggle

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1674    |    Released on: 23/10/2018

the look you are giving me, "

at the Hospital's cafeteria. Since Emerald left, Silvia has been beh

something is or was going on between them and it hurt her s

suggested they go get a coffee at the Cafeteria and Silvia followed him, sensing it might be a good place to talk. So h

and Emerald?" Silvia asked

d where this is go

e?" Silvia asked frustrated. She knows Guy clearly understands what sh

me, how did you two meet?" Guy asked, Surprised as to what hi

all these while. She's also the one who I told you about this morni

aid while burying hi

ady. Em refused to tell me anything. You have to talk to me Guy

ve lost it to my competitors. I was so sad and angry with myself so I went to a club to get drunk and that was where I met her. She caught my attention that night. We were bot

hat mean you are the father of the c

s the first man to you know............" Guy

between them before she spoke. "So do you have any fe

about her since that night and her face keeps

ything. Maybe this is a sign. A sign for you to move on. Since Alyssa's death, you haven't been with any other woman. Alyssa will always be in our hearts. S

ybe." Guy

her. probably tom

ow?" Silvi

morning so she can be discharged and I will stop coming to this ho

might be too late Guy. Besides you have me. I can stay wi

he hospital. As Guy was driving to Em's place, he taught to himself, "Maybe Silvia is right after all, guess it's

ot there, he got down from his car and went straight to knoc

she looked pale and weak. Her eyes were

want to talk to you." Guy a

aved way for him to come in after

aving some space between them and Guy did not fail to notice how s

anyway. "First, I want to say thank you for always taking care

right?" He asked and

face out of my head. I don't know if this is a sign or something but I want you to give me a chance to take up the responsibility of taking

on't think I'm keeping

and said "Em, I am here now and there's no going back about it. You are going to keep thi

e to be a good mother. I don't think I can go th

in this. You have me, my mom, Silvia and Luna. We will always

is neck. She loved the way he smelled. She felt safe

ad already made peace with Em after which he sent an email to his manager and secretary that he will not be around for t

er apartment, She and Guy managed to squeeze the

couch, with her head on Guy's lap. Guy covered her with a b

and puked in the toilet. Guy was there to rub her back while she puked. Whe

nd washed her face. He knew how bad morning sickness was

or. You don't have to worry, I will come wi

taurant to get them breakfast. On his way back to Em's, He called Silvia and she told him Luna was better that she will be discharged that morning. Silvia agreed to take Luna

Em's apartment and saw that Em had already showered and was ready

It was such a beautiful moment. Both Guy and Emerald had tears in their eyes. Hearing her baby's hea

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