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Mr. Beautiful (Billionaire #2)

Mr. Beautiful (Billionaire #2)


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1324    |    Released on: 12/03/2020


ng believe I los

sex with this woman whose legs curled around my stomach. The last time I woke up in a stranger's bed, I

rk Spotted in A Hotel with A Senator'

nator's daughter, she was a Mayor's daughter. This was why I don't fucking believe in the news. They obviously just wanted to sell out pa

bed, trying not to make any sound. I quickly get dressed, pic

your pussy last night, even th

ages from an unknown number. It was Wednesday today, so it was Cate.

onight, h

y, Can't wait.

lied a


esk? I was finished talking with people she was supposed to contact. I already made my coffee and set a meeting with my designers. Given the fact that she was l

I began to wonder if my thoughts of her being an incompetent employee wer

I help you?" she a

e in my office at nin

sorry, Mr. Star

pped into my office carrying a portfolio.



k you a q

s it, M

"I saw you last nig

st night? Last

hat what they are saying about you is true. I mean, how do you d

d back

e chair, "At least tell me the details in case people ask me about you. I

alk about thi

ast the non-fraternization policy in case you want to try me in your bedroom. I can do everything that might please yo

the f

and let's start working." I rolled my eyes. "I need you to explain t

er that,

st. Can I just f

his? These shirts for the valentine collection, right? Do

ck w

d out the cut and sew desi

e stared at the picture. "But I think bl


he color black


an we should put red everywhere and I agree with the p

ign. It was a long sleeve tee with a striped body fabric, with a broken heart print i

ed sha

apparel here. Can l ask you some


ou tell the

ld them to put a little twist since I don't believe in p

What the fuck are you thinking?" I stared at her,

aid they just needed to be reviewed. You didn't t

l is that sup

heard she's a graphic artist. Oh, and I sent some of the designs on Facebook to ask their opi

oaded it


sing, "Let me tell you this, Layla…" I breathed, trying to calm my

, just some stu

gns online, and you b

a few weeks to review the designs. Fashio

create designs for clothing and we produce clothing to the market. Are you are sa

accepted the job because I heard that you'r

my time talking nonsense anymore

have an appointment with my friends for an hour. I can't believe I can actually

my office, I sent


e My Executi


rk, CEO, Stark

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