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Chasing His Muse

Chapter 2 Loony Bin

Word Count: 1114    |    Released on: 13/01/2021

They called it a Psychiatric Hospital, but it

ce I was with Collin. I didn't even realize, that I had

psychiatrist couple of times a week. Then in between, there were several activities that we could join, there

nother activity. She wanted me to blend in, rather than reading a book and distant myself from others. S

I liked it here. I didn't h

at a volunteer was teaching the class today, h

body was looking at me when I walked

ng to sit, paint, then

s this an all-wom

anly hands stroking the canvas, and his back muscles stretching his shirt every tim

aint a little, And see wha

l in front of an easel. Waiti

nd looks like we have a newcomer. I will be with you shortly. Please, eve

xy. Woah...why am I e

away. This was not what I wanted. I didn't need another ma

ed to me. I would stare outside for hours thinking about it. But then my thoughts got

back. I was back on my reading nook, staring

re you okay? Why do you leave the class

reading better. This is my favorite nook." I wi

ck around. You don't have to paint yet. Just that Laura, had already jot y

it but I followed him anyway. He smil

endure this handsome torment in

nd most senior attendant here. She was very kind to me. She knew my history with Collin. She was here when he g

nent stay here. I've got your parents' money, to take care of the bill. And their house, for me to fuck ot

ng behind him, with a sad face as

. His words sent me over the edge. Making me wanted to die. But she would hold me and rocked me to sleep. Unlike

ok my book, and put it on the table beside me, and gave me a graphite pe

sketch the object?" He left me,

long strokes with the precision ratio of length and width.

threw the graphite pencil on the table, a

. I was done. I gave up. Then I felt a strong

! I was a failure even at

let me die." I cried

se just give me that." I cried hard a

shed to my side and took me away

n't have to draw anymore. Let's get you to your favorite nook o

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