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The Lovers

Chapter 5 Virginia

Word Count: 1222    |    Released on: 14/04/2021

ck leather cuffs was making my dick twitched. And with the briefs being tight, she definit

y a woman after months. Let's make sure it's me

d body straddles me and she cuffed my wrists to each bedpost, then she kissed me sensually

e other ends of the bed. I had never been restrained on my feet and it was strangely arousing me to another level knowing that I was complete


asy thing to do. She was back on top of me and let her beautiful tits to my face and

. She grinds her cunt to my lower abs as

cking hard. Please..

e staining your briefs baby." She whispered as she licks an

gotta give me somethin

y was on my mouth and I greedily lick and taste her. I was noisy and she was liking it

my head and lowers herself down making me able to fuck her with my tongue. I was sucking her essence as she m

ouch her, knowing exactly that she was close and I wanted

icking her clit with long hard strokes. I could feel that she was grippin

climax and while I was still bound an

ure you so much more..." I said hoars

to me, her chee

now, this is our foreplay. I always like a

y briefs down after felt like hours of her st

ht briefs, making her let out her sexy laugh. Then sh

... be

licked and stroked

. fuc

I'm going to savor your sexy body t

throat, and her hands squeeze my ass chee

st strained the cuffs

baby, you gotta le

edside drawer for condoms. She gave one then lay

I asked and waited f

haven't fuck a w

as she holds on to the board. I roughly spread her thighs while biting the crook of her neck

d when I felt her tightness clenching my length. She was liking my roughn

And it was taking me higher, she slithers her hand

and tugged her back sexily. I smirked knowing that she would lov

going to...fuck

lithered and cupped her wet cunt, she cursed louder when I finger her fast

od! again, like...that...r

ick to support her and thrust to her pulsating core. Over and over again, deep and hard, s

, enough...

lege boys like me..." I whispered huskily while playing with

n, have me

positioning her to my front. Then taking her leg to her chest, opening her entrance for me. She was back t

.." she said when I was back from discarding the condom

aby thing may not b

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