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The Billionaire's Aerialist

Chapter 4 Careless and Chaotic

Word Count: 1091    |    Released on: 20/04/2021

ecently restored family jewel on the ring finger of that damn thief. Things only escal

the specific pattern he arranged the items, he couldn’t be sure. The most valuable pieces

the floor caught his eyes. Her bag. He smiled wickedly, wondering if she would go back there to get it. No matter how long it took

The bag was a mess, and he shuddered with the view. Clothes and makeup cluttered inside like they held no value. They probably d

ket caught his eye, and by the weight distribution, there was something small inside. When he opened it, a sly smile cr

e had a fucking artistic orgasm with her performance. The woman was so utterly alluring he almost

eed. He gritted his teeth at the thought and scanned the room again for more

and stealing the fucking ring. The vein on his neck was almost popping and the poor bedroom desk must have draw

something to make her pay. Maybe tie her up with her presentation tool, that giant red fabric. Preferably st

tly, causing him to open his eyes and close his slightly pa

got whenever I caught you m

, but there were moments her filter simply went out the window. He liked

ss.” Back to her r

the need to explain to his mother why

haps she didn’t have time to tidy things up, I sho

e is

to congratulate her on the performance. You know the one, Frank, the one with

d flexible performer. He was used to the feeling of his blood boiling in situations such as

e l

amily emergency. Doesn’t matter, I’ll call her ag

ther. Just give me t

t place. Wonderful job, don’t you think?” His mother’s assistant was an angel fo

ll call Michelle

I want to introdu


acksons, son. Wher

nothing, le

was no point in waiting there if she was gone.

cattered pieces of clothing and makeup. ‘Her show was amazing, but she is one messy woman!

it would be when the artist told her a couple had been there doing nasty things, but it wasn’t neat eith

d duffel bag and got out, closing the door behind her. The kind artist would be happy to get her things back, a

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1 Chapter 1 Showtime2 Chapter 2 Ode to Struggle3 Chapter 3 Her Favorite Prizes4 Chapter 4 Careless and Chaotic5 Chapter 5 A Barking Problem6 Chapter 6 Michael7 Chapter 7 Afternoon Tea8 Chapter 8 Afternoon Tea9 Chapter 9 Rich People10 Chapter 10 Family Vacation11 Chapter 11 Moment of Clarity12 Chapter 12 An Old Friend13 Chapter 13 Conciliation Conference14 Chapter 14 A New Deal15 Chapter 15 Russian Background16 Chapter 16 No Pet Names17 Chapter 17 This is Batman18 Chapter 18 Island19 Chapter 19 Rooms20 Chapter 20 Uncomfortable Dinner21 Chapter 21 Lyra22 Chapter 22 Thanksgiving Lunch23 Chapter 23 Pressure 24 Chapter 24 Ink25 Chapter 25 The Boys26 Chapter 26 The Adventure of Life27 Chapter 27 Joy 28 Chapter 28 Blackout Friday29 Chapter 29 Avoided30 Chapter 30 Marcus and Luke31 Chapter 31 A Trick for the Host32 Chapter 32 Finally 33 Chapter 33 Mischievous34 Chapter 34 Walk on the Beach35 Chapter 35 Control 36 Chapter 36 Hurtful Words and Excuses37 Chapter 37 Different38 Chapter 38 Wrong Apologies39 Chapter 39 Trying40 Chapter 40 Another Uncomfortable Dinner41 Chapter 41 The Weight of a Threat42 Chapter 42 Michael's Party43 Chapter 43 Another New Deal44 Chapter 44 Fine by Herself45 Chapter 45 Childhood46 Chapter 46 Take it Easy47 Chapter 47 Run48 Chapter 48 Mother49 Chapter 49 Enlightenment 50 Chapter 50 The Third Uncomfortable Dinner51 Chapter 51 Complex Decisions 52 Chapter 52 Pushing People Away53 Chapter 53 What Is It With This Guy and Deals 54 Chapter 54 Sales Convention55 Chapter 55 Office Christmas Party56 Chapter 56 Truth57 Chapter 57 Friendship58 Chapter 58 Minefields59 Chapter 59 The Hardships and The Pain60 Chapter 60 Shower61 Chapter 61 Tattoo62 Chapter 62 Father63 Chapter 63 Morning Talk64 Chapter 64 Epilogue