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Forced Marriage To The Secret Billionaire

Forced Marriage To The Secret Billionaire

Author: ~S.Y

Chapter 1 CLUB

Word Count: 1178    |    Released on: 29/05/2021


o if you feel uncomfortable at

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r car rashly, remembering about what happened

faced, pushed her off the edge. She was about to retaliate but the only thing hold

om forever and she would stop at nothing

she usually went at and wiped her tears away, before

ouldn't accept how her Grandmother grabbed her arm and threw her out of the party, after sh

y featured face with her green eyes squinted, a perfect straight nose standing arro

red short dress and was ready to just drown all her worries tonight. S

onless facade on her face. The guards pushed the doors open when they saw her. She

de. This was the only place where she could forget, who she was and find the pleasures of

iom in front of her Grandparents, who would finally

the hungry looks many were throwing her way. It was nothing new to her.

turn her down, s

, Jack, rushed to her to get her order. Before he could ask her anything, she wave

ced them in front of her, as she st

hat happened tonight before tomorrow, or she

aced her hot forehead on the bar counter to

line husky voice purred just beside her

ooked at the man sitting beside her. Gosh! Her ey

s to his light brown deep eyes. Then she looked dow

lower lip and she felt like she was becoming wet. She licke

. His actions were making her feel uncomfortable in her spo

pered and grabbed her hand, befor

too drunk to resi

some kind of rel

alot of people were grinding against each other and many of t

d lost in

the pl

loser and her body collided with his

spered staring up

was doing, but she wanted

” He chuckled out and his chest vibrat

, as a slow and deep music started to play in the background and lights di

over her skin. Her back was pressing against his chest and his o

dy rolling from top to bottom, guiding her

feel all of his body and something hard pressed at the back of her thigh, which made her bite her lip wi

, as she moved against him, bodies brushin

his hands moving down to hold her hip bones. They st

moaned out loudly, before he landed a ki

er too much. At this point

let out a gruff demand and starte

he was taking her,

even if she didn't

lust driving

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