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At last it was you-2

At last it was you-2

Author: Prinsha

Chapter 1 Beginning

Word Count: 573    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

rten and just want to be with her love ones. But with time she lose everyone she ones care for. She never ask god why she was left alone but always try to live

bandages overall her body. She felt pain. She remember h

ld her, “you have finally woke up from the coma. Two months before a rich president who owns this hospital bri

ages. The nurse hold her try to lift her and said sadly, “Actu

her and again add, “ Don’t think too much. You are given this new life by god. You are lucky t

of how she had gone through. Soon after 2 months she recover and was about

the president?” R

command us to treat you and leave you.

to say a thanks a

ell you about the office b

ose re

me she wore a outdress and came out of the hospital. She might have already decide to take her revenge in

was called soon. Maybe the president had recognized her. She went inside. The office was big with we

him holding both of her hands forward. She puts a s

ore entering the offic

w you are dead to all and nowhere to

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