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The Alpha King's Magical Mate

The Alpha King's Magical Mate

Author: Mother04

Chapter 1 Delivery

Word Count: 644    |    Released on: 26/07/2021

do this for me." Luna Clari

I can, Rissa."

se do this for me. He cannot know." L

n. What about you?"

Please Amara." Luna C

it." Amara repl

stn't find out who she is. Please love and protect her like you would your own. Tell her

er one last kiss and handed h

rned and ran away from the mansion

a went out into the hall and yelled for help. She had dismissed her guards for the

" A guard asked a

Please help me." Lu

he pack doctor as he was running through the halls like a mad man. After linking the doctor so she can get thin

ctor said without

o the room where he placed the Lu

The Luna asked d

e doctor nerv

" The Luna comma

The docto

ha yelled, causing her a

Benjamin." Lun

e a scene first. So everyone stops and bows down to him

ent before his mistress walks in and all emotions are wiped from his face and the monster comes back out. Luna Clarissa looks up at the ceiling as as tear fal

it." The Alpha's mistre

sa said with so much hatred in her eyes, they almost caught

not keep them in." The doctor repli

ermination, "you see this little pill here, if I take

could be here. To watch he

amin replied giving her a

he left the room and slam

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