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The Alpha King's Magical Mate

Chapter 2 Something is missing

Word Count: 441    |    Released on: 26/07/2021

t's time to deliver the babies."

rups because the alpha didn't wan

l an act. Only she and the Luna knew that one baby was already born and on her

when she reached three Clarissa g

t." Alpha Ben

nurse said f

cond one." Alpha

Luna Clarissa replied as

demanded as his eyes went from choc

fety." Luna Clarissa said a

ard the Luna admit that her first born was a female and her daughter would

min yelled at her, causing t

imself could find her. She is and will remain safe until she comes of age." L

r in his eyes and asked, "has any other she-w

two." The do

id evilly, "g

o." Luna Clarissa

ked up to his mate and took his son, "I, Benjamin Alfred Black, Alpha of th

d that he made such a declarati

warrant." The alpha said with hatred as he walked out of the hospital room holding his son, "gua

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