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True Heart of A Bad Boy

True Heart of A Bad Boy

Author: Rabbit

Chapter 1 The First Encounter

Word Count: 2389    |    Released on: 15/10/2021


gh school and I was already late. In fact, I wonder why I

ars old and I am the head of The

he boss of the Los Angeles maf

ack T-shirt and my black boots. I ran my hand through my hai

cedes, so I went for the Ya

ther to be discreet with my big bike. The roar of the engine was so loud that the whole scho

ou're off to

his belly that didn't fit well in his crudely-

e now!" I said

urry up now! I won't take an

m a salute like in the army

ut knocking. I was already late, so ther

nce." I pretended not to have heard the teacher and continued t

of the room motioned to me. I quickly recognized her by her prov

clearly. It wasn't until I lowered those glasses a little that I finally saw a fr

no sun." The teacher handed the exam pap

mbled as I took

xtremely boring. No wonder I was the first

feteria and was busy lighting my cigarett

. I am not sure you even noticed the new gi

are some really cute babe

go to the gym. That was where he spent most of his time. He was just a no-fuss guy. Ever since he was a kid, he always wanted to become a

already see him in the future

Jackson pointed at a group of

nese girl with a tall, curly-haired mestizo. The latter had big,

o see her topless!"

t Edward opened h

ess up with her. She hangs

n high school. He was tall, blon

prime target," I said, s

e. However, he didn't say anything as he knew very well that w


abella had informed us that she would not be coming to

class with? Are we curse

I had never seen that guy before, though I had already heard about him and his gang. After all,

umping into the famous b

her dish in her mouth so much so

oke on them." With that, I handed her a glass of


t of us. Beside him was that famous

ed like a brawler with chains hanging on his jeans. He was wear

tall with black hair that hung down a bit. He was wearing a pair of

to my tray and continue

kson said, sitting on the table. "We come

in Oh and took a shr

ed, pulling back her tray as she sto

ed at her wi

th the Chinese?

d bad boy, was smiling silently. They wer

houted. One thing she definitely couldn't stand was people co

ce. Before his hand could grab Shin

pulling off his arm violently. He then jum

aw his green eyes under

despite my two years of Thai boxing. Howeve

t move though. He was simply ob



rels in high school when Connor, Min

Chinese!" Jackson sa

t now, you little asshol

o have physical confrontation as a last resort. I looked at Ty

and walked over to Mi

n. Let it go," Ty

r; the smirk had disap

dirty by hitting shi

insult. He walked furiously forwards Jackson. I saw Tyler take off his glasse

d him," I

involved, all this w

" Jackson blinked at Tara

on time," Shin O

and saw her eyes

you planning to do?" I asked

eautiful blue eyes r

would come l

avoid such confro

orean. Knowing Min Oh's temper, I'd

ther with Isabella from a young a

anage, so for a year now, Min Oh, Connor, Is

apers ready?"

ve to move in,"

oined us at the loft. That was a good thing, but the bad side of

g about it m

met again after school, since

g that she wouldn't get int

know how to handle them." Conn

worried me, however, was what Jackson might do. I also knew

to be late," Connor said as Min


ench, watching this T

on, I had the impression that her e

was fearless. No one in their right mind had ever

ycles in the parking lot. While waiting for Evan, I took a cigare

of it. Tara and her friend were waitin

mit that Jackson was right. I, to

ring at?" Evan ha

rey," I sai

and took off my glass

rls were. However, when I saw Dylan and

time…' I laughe

the gang spend the day. We were the yo

he boss of the Los Angeles mafia. I had already proven

ne who could hold him. Evan was the brain of our operations. He was fairly ca

f my helmet, my m


coming back this evening. Hop

ve things planne

It's not often th

see." With th

a bra. She had been on medication for depression for years now. In fact, I couldn'

and joined the others, grab

are you going t

Tara's name. What the hell w

bitch! She will regret having ridi

having fu

He scanned my eyes and

o that again?" He couldn't hid

a damn good bod

aughed at

ink you can do it

was doubting me. 'Has he forg

I mean is that with those her friends around,

all the more excit

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1 Chapter 1 The First Encounter2 Chapter 2 Fear Or Not 3 Chapter 3 At the park4 Chapter 4 An Idiot5 Chapter 5 Angel Or Demon 6 Chapter 6 The Big Brother7 Chapter 7 New Feelings8 Chapter 8 Finally In The Big Leagues9 Chapter 9 The Marathon10 Chapter 10 My Father's Gift11 Chapter 11 Tara's Mother12 Chapter 12 Drink Coffee Together13 Chapter 13 You will be late14 Chapter 14 The Attraction15 Chapter 15 Panic At The Club16 Chapter 16 Blind Trust17 Chapter 17 The Confession18 Chapter 18 The Investigation19 Chapter 19 Jealousy20 Chapter 20 Misunderstanding21 Chapter 21 Kiss Bethany22 Chapter 22 Tyler's Reaction23 Chapter 23 The Message24 Chapter 24 Arranged Appointment25 Chapter 25 Dinner26 Chapter 26 Strange Change of Attitude27 Chapter 27 Do I Love Her 28 Chapter 28 Trip To Paris29 Chapter 29 Bon Voyage30 Chapter 30 Look For A Villa31 Chapter 31 A Disturbing Kiss32 Chapter 32 The Flash33 Chapter 33 What is Your Problem 34 Chapter 34 Fiery Passion35 Chapter 35 The Date36 Chapter 36 I Am Not Ready37 Chapter 37 Caresses With Retention38 Chapter 38 The Mistake39 Chapter 39 The Crisis40 Chapter 40 Dylan's Sadness41 Chapter 41 His Dad is Coming Home42 Chapter 42 Malcom Hale43 Chapter 43 Samantha's Daughter44 Chapter 44 The Moment Of Truth45 Chapter 45 Meeting Tyler46 Chapter 46 The Hard Way47 Chapter 47 Good At Getting Into Troubles48 Chapter 48 Burglary49 Chapter 49 What's Wrong With Tara 50 Chapter 50 Missed51 Chapter 51 The Concussion52 Chapter 52 Grudges Aside53 Chapter 53 A New Boss in Nevada54 Chapter 54 Meeting With Malcom55 Chapter 55 I Love You56 Chapter 56 Hidden Desires57 Chapter 57 First Time58 Chapter 58 A New Journey59 Chapter 59 Appointment With A Brunette60 Chapter 60 Am I Losing Her 61 Chapter 61 Misunderstanding Dispelled62 Chapter 62 A Wonderful Surprise63 Chapter 63 Vacation64 Chapter 64 The Surprise65 Chapter 65 A New School Year66 Chapter 66 Chloe67 Chapter 67 Desires68 Chapter 68 The Millennium69 Chapter 69 Surprise Invitation70 Chapter 70 AB Negative71 Chapter 71 Dylan72 Chapter 72 Distance73 Chapter 73 Fullness74 Chapter 74 Pain75 Chapter 75 Confidence76 Chapter 76 A Little Dessert77 Chapter 77 Chloe's True Face78 Chapter 78 Voltage79 Chapter 79 Dead End80 Chapter 80 The Cliff81 Chapter 81 Surprise82 Chapter 82 The Family83 Chapter 83 Going Up a Notch84 Chapter 84 A Moment Of Happiness85 Chapter 85 Missing86 Chapter 86 Suffering87 Chapter 87 Tears And Love88 Chapter 88 Brothers89 Chapter 89 Should I Reveal It 90 Chapter 90 Departure And Return91 Chapter 91 Mad92 Chapter 92 A New Secret93 Chapter 93 A Normal Day94 Chapter 94 Surprise95 Chapter 95 Change96 Chapter 96 Christmas Eve97 Chapter 97 Godfather98 Chapter 98 Stubborn Lovers99 Chapter 99 Am I No Longer Scary 100 Chapter 100 Getting Back In The Saddle