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A Geeks' Choice

Chapter 4 |4:On the gossip list

Word Count: 928    |    Released on: 10/11/2021

e edges of her hair with the black gel; fitting them to her s

e were waxed. She took her P.E wear, and tucked it in her ba

and her mother's morning speech, she fled out to her

ly the bus does the opposite. Luckily for her, just 10 minutes o

earching for her seat partner, Delilah. Delilah sat next a window gazing outside relishing


of balls boomed over the sea of students. The school

s been known for its activ

ut of their classes to the field. Some sitting on the bl

was a little baggy making her seem amorphic, her all-known eight figure h

happens to be Daniel. He had removed his shirt an

ling. She rolled her eyes at their crappy gawk, tearing her eyes off them all. She refocus

he said it," a p

ided back. She had seen her a bunch of times with Daniel and Mackenzie, she

ear, not knowing how loud her voice was. If they a

" Macken

her ear spun up. She

ta yell whi

e harrumph, seeming more

who just pleased its master, s

ught. This was the second time she was heari

She wanted to know why her name was on their gossip list. She tu

g to the back away from Julia, but tha

e ears everywhere, the walls, the decks, if possible the teachers. Th

nd more like a chameleon. A pillar stood in between the two

r gossip. She bladed back a few stairs; gripping the steel handles and

of the frigid bench and spun ahead; looki

ooking f

raightening a rumpled part in her unif

small flight of stairs


her bag, shimmering into it. She was

gabby, some were already in their uniforms, and

er friends, though being in the same class. She adored being alienated, to her it mad

walked out, bumping into a feminine body. She almost fell from the small contact, the s

ng joor," she snarled "

o's face was degraded with pimples, and slushy hair flowing on her s

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