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Chapter 3 I'D BREAK HER

Word Count: 2154    |    Released on: 06/06/2022


the man in shock. ...Is he real ? H

d Sinfully gorgeous ....and he had this beautiful tattoo on his


n ? He looks way too

rd who glared at me as he walked o

rds the gate and bumped face first Mak

ands in his pocket , he didn't look affected by th

I gotten m

and you definitely kidnapped me for Ransom ...but let me explain myself to you .

favour " he

? I asked

d I opened and closed

d as I pointed my fi

dnapping innocent girls like me to become ten times richer than you

ot to know why you're here ...Gi

Grace I'm not Gina I don't even kn

yone with that kind of name

as he walked over to me and pulle

you fucking think you can run away after wh

is ... okay my name is Grace Morano "

azel eyes with my h

h the face of an an

who Gina is ...I need to go home ..." I

u give me everything ....you stole from the mafia

a bad

I moaned from

now me ? He a


tterly as he

n't know the man who's bed` you graced for 3

...." I cried as he got

walked in between my l

n't know Gina ...I don't know her " I cried

d as he bowed ...he w

r a meeting ' the guy said

on in his eyes as he straight

me Gina. ..you dirty slut " h

ust 23 years old ...I've stayed away from crime ....ho

thing about you....And the fact that you thought you could outsma

e swooned thinking he's the sexiest male I've come across but this man

d and he walked towards

ould make your death more lenient " he spa

rying immedia

this ? I only heard about the devil fr

g to rescue me hit me hard


tta the dung

in the face and fuck*n


s greeted as I stormed tow

ryone stood up in Re

one or something apart " Sergi

as he fixed his

nly one who can speak to me the way he

everything that has to do with the

the reason for this meeting ? Frederico asked a

he political career of a Governor in one of the Provinces an

down A

Gina ? Kristov ask

r 3 years dammit ....she's Gi

ke Gina. ..."

and I swear it annoys me

l hospitals in countries but that doesn't make h

said as he drank from

said badging into the meet

deal with you and your clumsy attitude " I snapped ang

io but they look like twins

not innocent as he does most of our

rs in his hair a

De LUCA and my Mom m

LUCA I'm the Don of the italian mafia and I owned different c

stov De LUCA , Sergio De

common is the ability to use

t as that being emotionally attache

er let a woman know just h

ty was to attend important events with me and grace my bed` at ni

g very important ...she stole an informatio

track her down ....what conf

Her name and all ? I need to get my

e again ? If yes is fucking

o her body ....how

missive and she didn't have such

en but what she has now c

t she's Gina " I said

not ? Kristov as

le can't look alike li

...." Dad said gesturing

utsmart us ...let's see how far she k

l her son , we need her alife

just pray I don't end up slitting` her throat

he say to yo

...an animal , a monster infront of the g

or her right senses would talk careles

that girl " kristov said and they

elease her

in the cell " I sai

her ? I'm lost here " Em

d " I said

and you straightaway asked me to kidnap her ....this girl is a dancer

r mother ?

" he an

asked surprised since she sometime

.about this daughter of hers...I'd live that to you

office and the guys

er legs before we unravel this mystery Massi

I walked out of th

y getting on my nerve

m and slammed the

rls said as she walke

....the Ruthless...." She showered p

or Grace whatever nam

eak he


ut dropping your

r friends


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