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Sold For Millions to the Mafia

Chapter 120 The Chase

Word Count: 1044    |    Released on: 02/02/2024

ling to the core of his existence, this was supposed to be his chance, even Leonard's feelings for the girl had not

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1 Chapter 1 The Appointment 2 Chapter 2 Back to the Start3 Chapter 3 The Meetings 4 Chapter 4 The Outcome5 Chapter 5 The Save6 Chapter 6 The Mole7 Chapter 7 The Deal8 Chapter 8 Hard Desire9 Chapter 9 The Big Reveal10 Chapter 10 The Trap11 Chapter 11 The Bait12 Chapter 12 The Unexpected 13 Chapter 13 Swinging Her Hips14 Chapter 14 The Gathering15 Chapter 15 The Event 16 Chapter 16 Exclusive private Party 17 Chapter 17 The Interception18 Chapter 18 The Hare And The Tortoise 19 Chapter 19 The Doubt20 Chapter 20 Dinner and Trouble21 Chapter 21 Hunting Game22 Chapter 22 The Reunion 23 Chapter 23 Being Prepared 24 Chapter 24 Taking Chances25 Chapter 25 Unexpected Encounter26 Chapter 26 Rain Curses 27 Chapter 27 Finally Gets Her Attention.28 Chapter 28 All In a Day29 Chapter 29 The Bug30 Chapter 30 Loose Ends 31 Chapter 31 Unwanted Guests32 Chapter 32 Unwanted Guests 233 Chapter 33 Match Making34 Chapter 34 The Repercussions 35 Chapter 35 Charming Neighbours36 Chapter 36 Overthrow.37 Chapter 37 The Intentions38 Chapter 38 Scent Of Lemon39 Chapter 39 Worst Gift Ever40 Chapter 40 A New Member With a Plan41 Chapter 41 The Hearing42 Chapter 42 Strange Neighbours 43 Chapter 43 Wild Realisation 44 Chapter 44 A Queue Of Naked Girls 45 Chapter 45 Headed For Bigdog's Club46 Chapter 46 Meet Up With An Unsatisfied Client 47 Chapter 47 The Guest48 Chapter 48 The Blackmail49 Chapter 49 Lifting Her Off The Bar Stool50 Chapter 50 The Interception51 Chapter 51 Drago's Rage52 Chapter 52 Lotus53 Chapter 53 Finding Lotus54 Chapter 54 A Big Loss55 Chapter 55 His Heart56 Chapter 56 Rest On Captain57 Chapter 57 Bella's Rage58 Chapter 58 Pissed59 Chapter 59 Arrived At Drago's 60 Chapter 60 Dressed In Black61 Chapter 61 The Runaway 62 Chapter 62 The Runaway 263 Chapter 63 The Runaway 364 Chapter 64 A Necessary Resolution 65 Chapter 65 The Hospital Bed 66 Chapter 66 Untitled67 Chapter 67 Ladybug68 Chapter 68 An Effective Plan69 Chapter 69 Meeting Ara70 Chapter 70 Ara's Wild Night 71 Chapter 71 Ara's Wild Night 272 Chapter 72 Sealing the Deal 73 Chapter 73 Leonard's Gloom74 Chapter 74 Knowing75 Chapter 75 Bella's Decision 76 Chapter 76 At The Dinner77 Chapter 77 Rumours78 Chapter 78 A New Enemy 79 Chapter 79 Hunting Lies80 Chapter 80 Antonio's Arrival81 Chapter 81 A Terrifying Encounter82 Chapter 82 Feeling Hesitant 83 Chapter 83 The Engagement Party 84 Chapter 84 Chances85 Chapter 85 A wild Confrontation 86 Chapter 86 The Unexpected87 Chapter 87 A Frenemy88 Chapter 88 Realisation89 Chapter 89 Ara's Arrival90 Chapter 90 Dinner With Mr Rodriguez91 Chapter 91 At The Casino 92 Chapter 92 A Wild Night 93 Chapter 93 Breakfast And Confession 94 Chapter 94 Visiting Old Friends 95 Chapter 95 The Hearing 96 Chapter 96 The Hearing 297 Chapter 97 The Hearing 398 Chapter 98 The Verdict 99 Chapter 99 Another Side of Leonard 100 Chapter 100 DI 100