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Luna Ares

Chapter 75 Be safe

Word Count: 1211    |    Released on: 25/05/2024


. I mean the guy practically killed my father and my mother without blinking

. I put distance between us, and ga

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1 Chapter 1 Meeting my mate2 Chapter 2 The banishment3 Chapter 3 Rogues4 Chapter 4 Who are you 5 Chapter 5 The bracelet6 Chapter 6 Friend or foe7 Chapter 7 Nightmare 8 Chapter 8 Pancakes9 Chapter 9 The beginning (1)10 Chapter 10 The beginning (2)11 Chapter 11 Watch your back12 Chapter 12 First date13 Chapter 13 Bottled up grief14 Chapter 14 Training15 Chapter 15 Can you stay 16 Chapter 16 Timely warning17 Chapter 17 The hunt18 Chapter 18 You don't have to stop19 Chapter 19 Let's get this over with20 Chapter 20 Don't stop21 Chapter 21 The bracelet22 Chapter 22 Her parents23 Chapter 23 Finding allies24 Chapter 24 Let's tango25 Chapter 25 Killian26 Chapter 26 No one will zen27 Chapter 27 The ritual28 Chapter 28 Testing limits29 Chapter 29 Keep your frenemy close30 Chapter 30 Hide and seek31 Chapter 31 Who am I 32 Chapter 32 Verdant heartstring33 Chapter 33 Your choice, Alpha34 Chapter 34 Are you sure he's not the psycho 35 Chapter 35 Traitor36 Chapter 36 He wrote your name37 Chapter 37 Royalty perks38 Chapter 38 Two truths and a lie39 Chapter 39 Jackpot40 Chapter 40 Gone41 Chapter 41 Back to hell42 Chapter 42 Carla43 Chapter 43 I want you gone44 Chapter 44 We need help45 Chapter 45 Death in numbers46 Chapter 46 Say your prayers...47 Chapter 47 The moon goddess48 Chapter 48 Zal and Eva49 Chapter 49 Keep holding on50 Chapter 50 Guests51 Chapter 51 Delusional52 Chapter 52 Good fight53 Chapter 53 Let me do it...54 Chapter 54 Kill me!55 Chapter 55 New arrival56 Chapter 56 Peek-a-boo57 Chapter 57 I've got you58 Chapter 58 Back home59 Chapter 59 See you soon60 Chapter 60 I want you61 Chapter 61 Enjoy the ride62 Chapter 62 Cole's words63 Chapter 63 The big news64 Chapter 64 Leaving65 Chapter 65 Strangers or allies66 Chapter 66 Kill the butterflies67 Chapter 67 Two weeks ago68 Chapter 68 Baby hunting psycho69 Chapter 69 Cheers!70 Chapter 70 Promises71 Chapter 71 The council72 Chapter 72 Heartfelt words73 Chapter 73 A win is a win74 Chapter 74 Plans75 Chapter 75 Be safe76 Chapter 76 It's been a fun ride77 Chapter 77 Jason vs Damon78 Chapter 78 I'm coming cate...79 Chapter 79 Let's end this80 Chapter 80 The end of the beginning81 Chapter 81 Rule with me 82 Chapter 82 Castle83 Chapter 83 Former royal beta84 Chapter 84 Life in one year85 Chapter 85 Change of heart86 Chapter 86 New home87 Chapter 87 Will you marry me 88 Chapter 88 Pregnant Luna89 Chapter 89 The wedding90 Chapter 90 The coronation91 Chapter 91 The ball92 Chapter 92 Always and forever.93 Chapter 93 Mr. Turner... book 2