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1 Chapter 1 I can help you2 Chapter 2 She got married3 Chapter 3 Revenge began4 Chapter 4 The role had been assigned5 Chapter 5 Superb acting6 Chapter 6 Who were you7 Chapter 7 She would destroy them by herself8 Chapter 8 The special treatment she gave him9 Chapter 9 Counterattack10 Chapter 10 Frank and honest11 Chapter 11 Confrontation12 Chapter 12 Hypocrisy13 Chapter 13 Press conference14 Chapter 14 That was too much15 Chapter 15 Visit the patient16 Chapter 16 Stop dreaming17 Chapter 17 Exposed18 Chapter 18 Trick19 Chapter 19 Farewell to the past20 Chapter 20 It wasn't worth hating him21 Chapter 21 Infatuation22 Chapter 22 Anna must be mine23 Chapter 23 Talk Face To Face24 Chapter 24 She Is In Favored Of Jack25 Chapter 25 Begins shooting26 Chapter 26 Who is the clown27 Chapter 27 Surprises28 Chapter 28 Being the best actress29 Chapter 29 It is impossible30 Chapter 30 Building prestige31 Chapter 31 I will never regret32 Chapter 32 The Situation Has Changed33 Chapter 33 Don't Dream Away34 Chapter 34 Comeback35 Chapter 35 Do You Really Want to Do This36 Chapter 36 Let's count with him today37 Chapter 37 The video is exposed38 Chapter 38 My lovely wife39 Chapter 39 You can wait for it40 Chapter 40 Feeling moved41 Chapter 41 A Surprise42 Chapter 42 Arrival43 Chapter 43 Make arrangement44 Chapter 44 The situation was triggered at any moment45 Chapter 45 Negotiation46 Chapter 46 She looked absolutely stunning47 Chapter 47 It was her48 Chapter 48 She is unqualified49 Chapter 49 The crisis is back50 Chapter 50 Why didn't she do that51 Chapter 51 The Shooting Starts52 Chapter 52 Serve as a contrast53 Chapter 53 Counterattack54 Chapter 54 Being opinionated55 Chapter 55 Are you sure56 Chapter 56 It's so warm57 Chapter 57 It's startling58 Chapter 58 It belongs to her59 Chapter 59 They're caught completely unprepared60 Chapter 60 The decision of the company61 Chapter 61 Vanity62 Chapter 62 Change the agent63 Chapter 63 Support what she wanted to do64 Chapter 64 Alice is going to be the movie queen65 Chapter 65 Go as the plan66 Chapter 66 The tenderness he gave67 Chapter 67 Testing each other68 Chapter 68 On show69 Chapter 69 Deal with the accident70 Chapter 70 Careful thought can not escape fate71 Chapter 71 Super matched72 Chapter 72 Discover a plot73 Chapter 73 Betrayal74 Chapter 74 To be abandoned75 Chapter 75 With different thoughts76 Chapter 76 What didn't lack in this circle is scheming77 Chapter 77 Storm78 Chapter 78 Complete broken79 Chapter 79 Sweet time80 Chapter 80 Loving81 Chapter 81 Make a deal with the devil82 Chapter 82 Survive83 Chapter 83 Awards ceremony84 Chapter 84 Fiasco85 Chapter 85 Best contribution award86 Chapter 86 Brutal revenge87 Chapter 87 In trouble again88 Chapter 88 Dahlia spoke to her89 Chapter 89 Relationship being public90 Chapter 90 Clarify91 Chapter 91 Difficult situation92 Chapter 92 Counterattack93 Chapter 93 Humanity94 Chapter 94 Less than betrayal95 Chapter 95  Identity of Mrs. Jack96 Chapter 96 Thoroughly crush97 Chapter 97 Old's internal situation98 Chapter 98 Trap in trap99 Chapter 99 He seemed to have a woman100 Chapter 100 Lucy was tied