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Save The Alpha King

Save The Alpha King



He frowned, and held her in his hands, his claws digging into her neck. "How could it be? How could the moon goddess play such a trick on him? Of all the people he could be mated to, why does it have to be the kings daughter?The daughter of the man who made life miserable for him." He was hurt. He was in pain. He was in turmoil. But worst, he was angry at the Goddess for doing that to him. For mating him with her. The princess, daughter of King Archbald is his only ticket to revenge.And right now, she's n his mercy. But the moon goddess have to be cruel. If he hurt her, he hurt himself. And if he killed her , he killed his mate. He didn't hurt only the king but himself too. "No!!" He yelled. " Why ,goddess? Why!?".... He howl as his hold tightened up on her neck.. He's Gonzalez Farkas Quin. The alpha prince of Nehemedia pack and a slave to King Archibald, the king of the human world. ....... The alpha prince of Nehemedia pack was captured while running in the wood in his wolf form and sold to a human king. He subjected him to different torture and pain in order to make the young wolf submissive to him. For ten years, the prince was under slavery in the human world. He hated them and kill any human who he lend his hand on. One day, the kings daughters came back to the kingdom and was taken to the room where he was kept as a means of entertainment to them. Unfortunately, the kings last daughter out of excitement of seeing a life wolf clumsily fell on top of him and was seized by him. He felt elated, that the gods has finally answered his prayers by bringing his enemies to his feet. At least now he could hit back on the king where it would pain him the most even if he has to die. He was determined to kill her but to his greatest chagrin. She Is his mate. How unfortunate!! Knowing this , he was now left in a turmoil state. what would he do? Would he let her go after everything the king did to him? Or would he get his revenge, even though she's mated to him?"

Chapter 1 The Twin Princess Return

Plovdiv, City,

Bonnie snuck inside the lab room to see him.

As usual, She saw that he was still chained to the bed. many chains were shackling him and making it impossible for him to break free or stay comfortable.

She sighed and went closer.

"Hi."She called meekly."I brought you some food."She added stretching a plate which he didn't notice earlier to him.

He looked down at her hand and then look up with a squeezed face, radiating anger.

It has been that way. Ever since she came back and her father showed him to her she had been trying to make friends with him but he keeps pushing her away.

Bonnie knew he hated her, why won't he? when her father made life hell for him. Caging him for the past ten years and conducting all sorts of experiments in a bide to produce more of him.

Right from the first day she came into the lab and saw him she had been attracted to him.

There's something about him that pulls her in

Although she still can't place her hand on it yet.

Merely looking at the man in half-wolf form, one would tell he's tired, frustrated, and angry at himself and the world.

When her father showed him to them on their arrival day, she saw how lifeless he was and although he might be pale and sick-looking but he is handsome and she has gotten to like him.

The sleeping wolf lay motionless like a corpse. His eyes close and his lips squeeze together in a hard frown wrinkling his bristly eyebrows as well.

His hawkish nose which curved upwards like the beak of a hawk accentuated his chiseled face along with his well-defined cheekbone and concrete jaw.

His extreme Vicky-gold hair which tangled together looking like a dread spread on the bed he laid.

And gauging his long hair length she can tell it must be up to butt length level or more.

As she gazes at the pretty battered man on the bed, she feels sorry for him. She wishes she can set him free but she knows quite well she can't, especially when she doesn't have the power to do so, at least at the moment.

But for sure she would get him out. She vows solemnly.

The angry half-wolf man whose eyes were staring intently at her is making her nervous and his venomous glare is scaring the shit outta her and she felt like running out, moving far away from him.

But she knew she can't. Not when she had vowed to help him out.

To set him free.

His hateful eyes watching her thoroughly made her heart to began pounding rapidly, fiercely like a metal gong being struck over and over again to produce a sonorous sound.

It is as if he can see her, the inner her. She felt like he is seeing the deepest part of her soul which frightens her as hot perspiration begins to flow out of her pores.

The saline fluid dripping out of her for-head crawled to her lips which she unconsciously licked and felt the salty and dusty taste of the fluid twirled around her whole mouth and she hurriedly spat out like she swallowed a hot meal that burns her.

She stopped spitting when she felt his excruciating gaze on her.

" Sorry." She murmured inaudibly but he heard her.

She lifted her eyes and stare at his face and their eyes met. It felt like the world suddenly stop and no other world existed except theirs.

Her blue sky eyes look deep into his green-reddish eyes which were burning with fire, ready to consume her and she felt hurt seeing his eyes full of hatred towards her.

She hate to see that hateful look on him each time she came to see him.

Each time she visits him, it is always there, all hatred, no atom of warmth or acceptance.

It is as if he hates her existence even her presence to the core.

Even at that, she wouldn't stop coming to see him, whenever she could without her father or sister's knowledge she would sneak in to see him bringing food along for him.

She cares for him.

Knowing her callous father she can't let him know about her visit, if not, all hell will let loose. He will kill her.

As Bonnie was standing there before him with the food in her hand he was frowning at her, just like on other days.

His face wrinkled together and his eyes were red burning dangerously in rage while he throws a dagger repeatedly at her.

The mere thought is, that she has gotten used to his hateful glare.

But hell no! She hasn't. She can never get used to that not when the event of their first meeting is still intact in her head.

The day he almost kill her... The day which has been ingrained in her memory.

She was taking a walk around the palace with her sister accompanied by four guards and two maids who were leading them.

They were touring around the palace, observing and familiarizing themselves with their home which they left long ago.

As they were viewing the garden, a guard approached them.

" Greetings my princesses," He greeted." the king demands your presence." He added bowing his head slightly to them.

"Now?" She had asked him, A bit sad and disappointed.

" Yes, my princess." He replied.

" But I'm enjoying the view and the fresh air." She remembered whining hoping he would go back and tell the king.

But he didn't, instead telling them that the king wants to show them something and they ought to come with him.

She had complained which made her sister to scold her demanding she stop acting like a kid and she had rolled her eyes in retort before following them to go meet the king, her father.

When they were near the throne, they saw the king standing at the door with one guard waiting for them.

"Father, you interrupted our walk," complained, frowning.

"Sorry my dear, but I'm about to surprise you with something more interesting than the walk. And besides, you're free to take a walk around the palace anytime you want." Her father squeaked excitedly, which made Delva rolls her eyes while Bonnie smiled.

"Ok father. Can you show us that now?" She said happily and then hocked her hand around the king's arm.

The King nodded.

"Father, it better be worth it." She heard her sister say as they began to walk"I won't like to waste my time on something useless." She added slowly but they heard her.

Bonnie scoffed, "Always grumpy." She murmured. then turned to the king."Father. Won't you give us a hint about this your surprise?"

"Surprise shouldn't be revealed but I'll tell you"He paused. Only when we get there." He laughed when Bonnie squeezed her face.

"Ahh! Father. You...."

"We're here."

"Woooh! Palace lab." She read out the inscription on the wall.

"Yes, dear. It was built 15 years back but wasn't in use until the past ten years."

"Oh, I see."

"Come dears, let go inside."He urged, Holding the door handle when Bonnie's voice halted him.

"Father, please go ahead with Delva, I left my phone. I'll go pick it."

"The guard will pick it up for you. Come."

She nodded before following them in.

She remembers her shocked face when she saw a huge animal with beautiful white furs covering every inch of the body except the face.

She was shocked to see that the cute animal was shackled with a silver chain. Two chains were on his legs and two on his hands, as he was tied together on a pillar, built close to the iron-silver coated bed he laid.

She walked closer and was astonished to see a beautiful human head attached to the animal body" O.M.G!" She exclaimed, shocked.

" Father, what the hell is this.`` she heard Delva inquire while pointing at it with the horror-filled face she bears. There was confusion and shock in her eyes too and she seemed out of words too.

She remembered gazing from Delva to the king waiting for answers. She too was lost with words. She doesn't know what to say.

"Relax dear. Don't be scared. It's just a wolf ."Her father answered, shrugging afterward.

"A wolf!? Okay, Wait. Father, you're Joking right."

"No my dear."

"Okay, let me get you. This is an animal called 'wolf."

The king nodded.

"Your scientists caught it and are using it for an experiment by attaching a human head to it, right?."

She laughs after hearing her sister's hilarious question. She too would have done the same if not for her little knowledge of paranormal things.

She had read a lot of books about them, so she knew about their existence,

Although she wasn't expecting to see one in real life.

She also remembers clumsily falling on him which made him stir and began to strangle her. She lost hope of living but then again he throw her out before she could completely lose her breath after murmuring the word 'Mate' which she never understood or have a clue what he meant or who he is referring to.

She knows that werewolves do have mates but what does that have to do with her?

She was lost in her memory that she forget she was still standing before him, not until she heard a loud growl which drag her out of her thought.

She looks to see him snarling at her with his burning gaze.

"Sorry." She apologize even though she did nothing.

That would be the second time she's apologizing even though she did nothing.

His features soften a bit, but not completely as his eyes were still blazing with fire and his face still in a frown.

Bonnie ignored his menacing gaze and went to him, she drop the food before him and turn to leave when he suddenly grab her.

She screamed in fright as she tries to run but his hold on her was so strong that she couldn't escape from it.

He yanks her close to himself in the process pushing down the food, before he grabs her head rotating it to the right, tearing her upper dress to bare her pale white skin.

He darted out his tongue, lick her collarbone, and nuzzled briefly before sinking his fangs into her bare neck.

A loud pain surges into her as she screams in agony.

''Mate'' He groans.

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