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Leer The mate of his nanny libro PDF gratis en línea

2024-07-08 16:16:55 Moboreader.com 9

Leer The mate of his nanny libro PDF gratis en línea

"El compañero de su niñera" es una historia de amor sobre hombres lobo que sigue a una recién graduada en apuros financieros, quien se encuentra trabajando como niñera para el adinerado Alpha de su exnovio, desencadenando una serie de situaciones inesperadas y una atracción intensa entre ellos.

I'm a new grad human in huge debt, and cheated by my Omega boyfriend. When I got wasted in a bar, I didn't expect to have the best sex ever. And the very next morning, I also didn't expect to wake up and find my One-Night-Stand hookup was my ex-boyfriend's Alpha billionaire BOSS....

How things are going to turn out after I accidentally became his 5-year-old daughter's live-in nanny?

How did this happen? How did I wind up finally becoming employed, only for it to turn out that my new employer was the same person who I had a one night st*nd with just two nights ago?

"I didn't know that you would be the employer. If I had known, I wouldn't have applied.....

"it's alright. I knew it was you when I hired you. I did it on purpose.

I scrunched my eyebrows together. What do you mean?

parte 1: la historia de The mate of his nanny

parte 2: personajes principales de The mate of his nanny

parte 3: el capítulo más popular de The mate of his nanny

parte 1: la historia de The mate of his nanny

En el libro "The Alpha and the Vigilante", nos sumergimos en la vida de una recién graduada con una abrumadora deuda, engañada por su novio omega. Después de emborracharse en un bar, no esperaba tener la mejor experiencia sexual de su vida. Y al despertar a la mañana siguiente, tampoco esperaba descubrir que su encuentro casual era ¡el jefe multimillonario Alfa de su exnovio!

¿Cómo se desenvolverán las cosas después de convertirse accidentalmente en la niñera de la hija de cinco años del Alfa?

¿Cómo pudo ocurrir esto? ¿Cómo terminé consiguiendo finalmente empleo, solo para descubrir que mi nuevo empleador era la misma persona con la que tuve un encuentro casual hace tan solo dos noches?

"Yo no sabía que serías mi empleador. Si lo hubiera sabido, no habría aplicado..."

"Está bien. Sabía que eras tú cuando te contraté. Lo hice a propósito."

Fruncí el ceño. ¿Qué quieres decir?

parte 2: personajes principales de The mate of his nanny

Mujer: Protagonista

Una recién graduada con una enorme deuda, engañada por su novio Omega. Después de emborracharse en un bar, tiene un encuentro sexual inesperadamente placentero que resulta ser con el multimillonario jefe Alfa de su exnovio. La situación da un giro inesperado cuando se convierte accidentalmente en la niñera en vivo de la hija de cinco años del Alfa.

Hombre: Alfa multimillonario

El poderoso jefe Alfa multimillonario que resulta ser el empleador de la protagonista, también conocido como el One-Night-Stand de hace dos noches. Revela que sabía quién era ella al contratarla y que todo fue a propósito, dejando a la protagonista confundida sobre sus verdaderas intenciones y la conexión entre sus roles de empleador y amante casual.

parte 3: el capítulo más popular de The mate of his nanny

The mate of his nanny

The mate of his nanny

autor: dragonfly_asa

The Alpha and the Vigilante Chapter 1 Betrayal


It was a hot summer evening, and I had just spent the entire day job hunting.

Finding work as a human in a world dominated by werewolves, especially in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city, wasn't easy. Even though I had a degree in Early Childhood Education, no schools wanted to hire me because I was a human. Werewolf parents were outraged at the thought of a "worthless human" teaching their children, as if my skills, drive, and education meant nothing.

So, I was now limited to service jobs, which were also unfortunately hard to come by because the job market was oversaturated with other humans who were also desperate to pay their bills.

If I didn't find a job soon, though, I would lose my apartment. My landlord had already given me a thirty-day notice. If I didn't pay my rent - and the three months of rent that I already owed - by the end of the thirty days, he was going to evict me.

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The Alpha and the Vigilante Chapter 2:

"She's with me."

The bouncer whipped around to face the man standing on the stairs. I stood there, my eyes wide, as I realized that the man who was mysteriously helping me get into the bar was the same man who had almost hit me with his car on the street and then promptly threw me a w*d of cash like I was a beggar: Edrick Morgan, CEO of WereCorp. I considered just turning around and leaving, but before I could, Edrick came down the stairs and waved the bouncer away, fixing his steely gray eyes on me.

"Come on," he said, peering around me to look out the door and onto the street. "It looks like it's going to rain again. You don't want to be walking around in the rain, do you?"

I felt as though there was something a bit condescending in the wealthy werewolf's tone, but he was right: it had been raining for most of the day, and had already begun to sprinkle again. I didn't want to walk home in the rain and get more soaked than I already was, so I silently followed Edrick up the stairs.

"You're still wearing those dirty clothes," Edrick said in a somewhat cold tone of voice as we reached the top of the stairs. "I gave you money to replace them. Why didn't you use it?"

Si deseas leer la novela completa, puedes descargar la aplicación Manobook de forma gratuita en Google Play Store o en App Store.

The Alpha and the Vigilante Chapter 3: One Night Stand


I woke up to sunlight and a fresh, warm summer breeze streaming in through a large set of open French doors.

As I cracked my eyes open, the sound of the city street below filled my ears, and the feeling of my throbbing head on a plush pillow alerted me to the fact that I was not in my own bed.

Groaning, I slowly pushed myself up onto my elbows and scanned the room as flashes of what happened the night before began to flood my mind.

I remembered being at the bar, in the silky black dress that I had picked out... I remembered drinking a gin and tonic, and being accosted by a middle-aged man with sinister intentions...

Other memories came flooding back, too.

I remembered being in the back of a car with a handsome man. His neck was warm and soft as I pressed my lips to it. He tried to hide his arousal at first, but he eventually gave in to his desires as he led me to the elevator that led up to the expensive hotel room he had booked.

Si deseas leer la novela completa, puedes descargar la aplicación Manobook de forma gratuita en Google Play Store o en App Store.

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