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Seduce A Billionaire

Seduce A Billionaire



At first sight, he was a gynecologist and she, a patient. Her boyfriend cheated, and she caught him to rescue her, but she was stopped in the examination room: "Check-up!" She begged for mercy and did not forget to kick him before leaving. Mr. Zhan, who had always been abstinent, never expected that he would be attracted by an ugly girl. "Mr. Zhan, I'm married." A marriage certificate was stuffed into her hands, what? Was he the "old man" she married?

Chapter 1 Gynecologist Is A Man

In the early summer, the sun was gentle, the breezes blowing slowly, and the fragrance of gardenia floating in the air.

A red taxi stopped slowly in front of a private clinic.

Xia Yunguo looked at the central hospital outside the car window, and then looked at Su Yahui beside her. She embarrassingly retreated: "Aunt Hui, I still don't want to go. I will buy some medicine and apply it ..."

Su Yahui took off her sunglasses and showed a well-maintained face: "Rest assured, I have already called. The fifth floor, Dr. Liu. And he is a person you particularly want to see. I have something very important to do, and I can't accompany you today. . "

"People I want to see in particular? Who?" She didn't seem to have anyone to see since her parents' accident.

Su Yahui smiled mysteriously: "I also want to tell you who he is, but he wants to give you a surprise. Come on."

"Okay, goodbye Aunt Hui."

Xia Yunguo put on sunglasses and mask, pulled down the brim of the cowboy hat. Then she got out of the car like a thief.

She had no other choice. She came to examine such a private disease. If meeting an acquaintance, that would be too shameful.

Entering the hospital hall with a sorrowful mood, she went to Dr. Liu's consultation room under the guidance of a nurse.

Pushing in, she pulled a chair and sat opposite the doctor.

"Hello Dr. Liu, Aunt Hui introduced me ..." she said stopped before finishing saying.

Sitting opposite was an extremely handsome man with deep and firm facial lines and flawless facial features.

It was just that his expression was too cold, especially those eyes looked like a sharp knife when they looked over, giving a sense of invisible oppression.

Through the sunglasses, Xia Yunguo consciously trebled.

This was the first time she had encountered such a powerful doctor.

It was so strange. Wasn't he someone she wanted to see? But she had never seen this iceberg man before.

"..." The man didn't speak, his face was indifferent like a sculpture.

"I ... My name is Xia Yunguo, has Aunt Hui called you before?" Xia Yunguo spoke carefully.

Since this man was sitting here, he must be Dr. Liu, who Aunt Hui said.

"Xia Yunguo?"

Listening to this familiar name, his deep eyes flickered calmly, and his cold eyes fell on Xia Yunguo's peculiarly dressed face.

So coincident? Was she also called Xia Yunguo?


"Take off the sunglasses and masks. " The man's tone was unquestionable.

Realizing this was impolite, Xia Yunguo quickly took off her sunglasses and mask. A freckled face appeared.

A faint wave of light flickered from the man's cold eyes, fleeting and disappearing.

Knowing that she was ugly, he just didn't expect it was so ugly in reality.

"What was wrong with you?"

"I ... I ... have a little gynecological inflammation ... a little itching ... just give me some medicine ..."

"Go inside and do a check-up."

"No, no, no ... no need ... you can prescribe some medicine for me ... forget it, I still don't ..." Xia Yunguo's face turned purple. She put on sunglasses and was about to leave.

She can't bear a man examines her that kind of place ... Damn it, she really wanted to dig a hole and bury herself.


As soon as she arrived at the door, she was hit directly.

Stumbled, she was pushed away instantly.

There was a sting in the arm when hitting the instrument in the corner.

Looking down, she found that the sleeves of the T-shirt were torn open, and blood overflowed.

The anger was raging, but she froze when seeing the two familiar faces.

A man and a woman sat directly in front of the man.

A woman leaned on a man's arms, and the man put his hands on the woman's waist. She can tell at first glance that they were close lover.

"Dr. Liu, my girlfriend is pregnant, but her belly ... hey? Uncle San? Why are you here?"

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