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The Last Of Us

Chapter 2 

Word Count: 2084    |    Released on: 05/12/2017

iced me standing there and ran towa

I never understood the concept of hugs.

e said into my chest while holdi

e." I said as I felt her hands let go of my shirt before she took a few steps away from me. I looked up at Alp

gan to seep into his voice. "I have ordered my daughter, your Mate,

tions." Rose r

ssuming that is why I don“t feel the Mate bond or the A

id in disbelief. "Ho

ade to be." I replied

y?" The Alpha pr

s. I don“t talk about what the pack does to me. Period

his daughter to his right. "Reject this abomination

began to beg. "You c

ith something like that." He gestured towards me as if I disgusted him. S

ed me. "Do something. Don“t

ok over. "I wonder what its like to be rejected? Maybe I will find ou

ef. "Rejection is fun? Don

the Mate bond. Regardless, I must admit, this bond you fee

s mother, Natalie, said with a soft gasp. "How ca

andy sometimes. Rose." I said as I turned to her. "You might want to reject

please." S

. "Reject the freak and come ru

ething like that?" She asked in disbeli

ipping off every word. "I am the next Alpha. He is

is?" She asked with tears

at." I said as I stood up straighter in front

ock pack, reject my mate, Michael Hayes, Alpha son to the Greystone pack." Suddenly she clutched her chest

me to stand to my right. "You are

"It will get better. Soon you will forget abo

er she ended up pulling my face down to meet hers. Our lips touched and again I felt a slight pain in my chest. What is happ

hand and quickly walked out of the dining room and up the stai

ather." I said with a slight bow of my head. "Goodbye brother. Alpha Murray, Luna Natalie. It was a pleasure meeting you." I

its and after a few hours of running I found myself not as tired as I thought I would be. I have neve

is breaking into thousands of pieces. I heard loud cracks as my left arm flailed outwards. Then aga

pain I felt had me more worried than anything in my life so far. I have seen werewolves sh

ount of pain I was feeling I still haven“t passed out. I wasn“t even able to

ailored black suit came barreling through the forest towards me. He made it within twelve meters before three other men caught

curled hair and a sharp rough jawline. His thin set lips gave his face an eloquent feel to it. Even I had to admit this man w

g from others? Shouldn“t he be the one chasing

. "We will always find you and we will kill you!" He shouted as he manage

he breathed out deeply. "That was quit

other two looked up at him and immediately they went quiet. It was odd that the three me

ged as he struggled to get out of the man“s

with a dark purple tie said with a laugh. "But the

as he finally noticed my sprawled out position. "Look

id with a laugh. I screamed in pain once more

as he began to walk closer to me. My visio

clearing with the vampire“s head rolling in fr

s he quickly got up. "What just happe

are stronger than Henry." He said in a snarl as the first man lunged towards with great speed yet it still seemed slow to me. My left leg snap

shift is coming to an end. My body had shaped itself into the form of a very large werewo

“s as he tried to make an attempt to run away. With my own speed I sped until I stood in front of his cutting off his e

d never win. I lunged for him aiming for his throat. I was quick enough to take him off guard

ampire screamed in pain as I landed and quickly spun around. This time I used enough speed and a

sprouting a dark black smoke formed around my body covering head to tail. My eyes shone a br

I said to Logan as

up and cut himself off. "I mean, thank you.

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