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Creepy Japanese Urban Legends

Chapter 5 Himuro Mansion

Word Count: 889    |    Released on: 05/12/2017

mansion, and the horrible murders of a family that lived there. It is said the be one of the most haunted loc

s that the mansion is hidden just beyond the city of Tokyo, in the rocky regions within the area. Many say that if you accident

bout this mansion is the rum

rs that the previous owners of the mansion, the Himuro family, have participated in a strange and twisted Shinto ritual. The ri

negative aura. In order to prevent this, a maiden was chosen at birth by the master of the household and isolated from the outside world in order to prevent her

r horses to rip her limbs and head from her body, tearing her completely apart. The ropes used to bind her would then be soaked in her blood and lai

ith this pressure held up against their family“s dignity, they gave in and agreed to continue doing it. So,

ritual, they didn“t

, and ruined the ritual altogether. When the family did the Strangling Ritual this time, nothing happened to the portal. As they desperately flung the blood soaked rope

all of his family members out of pure madness. Looking back at all of the bloodied bodies scattered around the house, he becam

ndoned building. Blood splashes on the walls are reportedly seen, as if they were flicked from the blade of a sword that had recently sliced through

ts out there that make this urban legend extremely sketchy. For example, there are no records from any police stations or newspapers of this mass murder taking place at all. So

"Based on a true story," yet the tagline was never on the original Japanese release. Becau

e kind of vibe now that I think of it. Hopefully there“s no families out there that have demo

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