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RED: Welcome To Fayetteville

RED: Welcome To Fayetteville


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 362    |    Released on: 31/12/2017


e was willingly holding his hand even though she didn't know exactly who Derrick Colten was. She had just moved into town two weeks ago and was glad to be making friends. She was worried that moving at this sta

umb with his. It felt right... but it wasn't. Derrick had Kathrine blocked on all social media and told her he didn't have it. He didn't want

idered starting a makeup blog. At the least, she would always keep lipgloss on. Her height was just under 6 feet, just shor

he driver's seat; she got into the passenger seat, but not for long. Kathrine was attracted to Derrick, but she was

had no idea what other secrets were in this town. This new s

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