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The Millionaire Obsession

Chapter 3 Mr .Fancy Pants

Word Count: 707    |    Released on: 20/12/2017

annoying. He was always insulting his poor staff. He only cared about himself and his money. The cafe was jam packed. She could smell the sweet aroma of the coffee. People were

ony came to her, his face red due to anger. Serra sent a

the bus or the traffic. If you are late again I will make sure yo

ly get your half pay this month". With that he turned on his heels and walked away. Serra cl

ir sympathy. Serra was serving a table where a woman sat with her two daughters.

eamed richness. She could tell that everyone was looking at the man. The women looked at him with lust and

or day dreaming as you drool over a handsome stranger." Once again she focused her eyes back on the handsome stranger who didn't look affected at all. She could tell he

Rolex rested. She could tell that he worked out a lot due to his bulging muscles. His hair looked too silky and shiny. Sh

arned her not to mess with

when her coworker, Stacy called her. "Serra

vous. Her hands were literally shaking badly. She mustered all her strength and went to the table.

He had caught her checking him out. As Serra left the tabl

ra, " Stacy said. There was a smirk. Serra wanted

is guy could be a wacko, a freak, a pervert. She shuddered at the thought and mentally slapped herself for checking him

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