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Loving Lily- Sequel to Loving River

Chapter 5 Rhett's Game

Word Count: 1107    |    Released on: 20/12/2017

f good families with good reputations. Well, most of them. Rhett Vermont had a rather questionable reputation but no evidence had ever proved the gossip

to his prestige or his bank book. Though he had more then most men in the city, Mayor Vancolun was always searching for a golden opportunity. He did his work as mayor well. He was well-liked and respected in the fair city. Many viewed him as an example of all t

friendly generous facade. "This rounds on me

by now he was well into his cups. The mayor didn't mind that he was drunk at all, in fact the mayor preferred his opponents to be smashed

m wished to return early to the home that held their wives and families. Heaven forbid that prominent men actually have to spen

ng to win. He would walk away with over a quarter of Rhett Vermont's fortune. Feeling rather

t caused several heads to raise. " You c

rned refusing to be pushed ar

his for gold, precious stone

smile, "And most importantly, she is untouched by men." His last sentence was met with silence and Vancolun was glad. It meant that he had penetrated their thick brains with his rather brazen offer. Sure, betting his

et, Vancolun." Hiding a smile of his own, he proceede

to laugh at him. No. This couldn't be. He was sure he cou

to collect your untouched daughter, Mayor." Stuffing the money in his trouser pockets, he stood. "And see to it that she doesn'

tonishment as he watched the sober Rhett Vermont


something with the mayor didn't sit well with Rhett. Something fishy was going on in the mayor's life. Rhett was sure the mayor wasn't all that he appeared to be. The disappearance of his eldest daughter surely proved that. But when the mayor so heartlessly bet his daughter and her virtue, well Rhett couldn't stand it. He played his royal flush and won himself a woman. A woman with a mysterious past and a cad as a father. Yes, Rhett thought to himself, he would most certainly be by the mayor's house to collect his winnings. He would not leave such an innocent girl in her father's hands. Who knows whom h

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