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Aleia's Dragon

Chapter 5 Play Time Is Over

Word Count: 1222    |    Released on: 20/12/2017

with Aleia's ship like that? I feel guilty

ever make it to the top with me if you insist on feeling everything." Me

. It's just hard to grasp.

xcept now it will be more widely known." Mehana smiled a cat like smile as she imagined Aleia's reaction to her ship wreck. Aleia was known throughout the federation as

g a member of

are doing just that. With Aleia out of the picture I can raise to the top in the ranks. Now enough talk about her, I need to thi

to the data she'd been study

fficult to overtake this planet. Fickleberry Sportal has nearly

e it this aft

ng special planned

you hated


your fathe

hat I wish I could've given my father.

ondra and her gang t

ay, Mehana turned back to the statistics. This would be the greatest accomplishment anyone her age or rank


sat down in his large arm chair. She'd never seen a chair so large. What was taking him so long? She groaned. She would feel

sation now. Who are you reall

nter the room. She should've been paying closer attention to

on your interrogation

n at her. "I'm not interrogating you. Yet

n't need to bother with all of this. The only

e unknown ship. If they knew the ship belong

very skitt

n to be." Derrik

d a questio

angerous tim

ree on that one

thought he allowed his eyes the pleasure of enjoying her beauty. Long red brown hair reached far down her back. Her radiant gray eyes nearly smoldered with feelings he couldn't decipher. Her

iated with the elec

o transmission in the

lled his gaze away fr

k with the townsfolk but they wouldn't speak with her, they direc

Mehana, it was well that she knew the woman. She was nothing but trouble

glance before he turned. "Excuse me,

low Derrik and Dax. She had to hear what Mehana had to say. Why

ent. She had never seen the likes of it before. The federation had always prided itself on having the most up to date equipment

om before he keyed acceptance for the transmission. He had been

na." A woman spok

you conta

will not be long before you an

u know this? Where have yo

ause I'm planning your destruc

warning. We shall begin preparing our defenses and

you a head start on digging your graves. That way it'll be le

ly he spoke. "Aleia. It is past time we've had a conversation." His voice was no longer warm and friendl


purple eyes seemed to burn into Aleia. "W

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