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The Life, Death and Life of Amelia Hollow

Chapter 5 Road Trip!

Word Count: 1634    |    Released on: 27/12/2017

nd Clara were staying at the mansion while Sven, Geraldine and I travelled to Washington D.C. to stay at Darwin Enterprises. I had never realized we had a butler until this point when I s

without you here." Deanna said solemnly. "I mean

hile clutching m

tems (e.g. Computer, tablet, clothing), I was packing sunglasses. I had only brought one change of clothing as Darwin Enterprises informed us that I would be testing out my uniform instead of wearing normal cl

d seeing as it was pretty expensive. The shuttle estimated that it would take at least ten hours to reach Washington D.C. if we travelled at the shuttle speed limit. T

s anxious to leave because if something happened and we were delayed, he still wanted us to reach Darwin Enterprises in plenty of time. I had already explained that seeing as the earliest we would

uum cleaner for a hand, think of us." Deanna

re way more than just the cleaners right? You two are like

ersa. He thought he had been working for a childless couple, so saying goodbye had actually been saying 'hello'. I do

d to get my

never going to see these guys again

and Clara was like my awesome sister from East Coast. They did not get paid as much to clean the house as they did more to sit with us at dinner and start the conversations. Yes, t

we should be getting going before your father start

t he knew why I was annoyed at him. The harshness of my tone even drew

the re-drafted itinerary for the next two weeks up to my departure. Sven read it out and emphasised the meet

ing to this, me and Geraldine have far too much free time on

t to lean my chair back. "Joy." I

us on a tour of Washington D.C. inst

g his point. "Nah,

not to discuss Starside at that moment or my father may have just jumped out of the shuttle to

s heart-warming because I knew how badly I had hurt him. The extra fun part of the week was calling my relatives in

ably never see her only great-granddaughter again. She wasn't one of those stereo-typical grandmothers that wanted me to get married and have lots of children.

audio book or something?" Ger

nded to be pretty clear. Sadly, my father had been in the shuttle with him two of the times so he did not trust him to drive a

mid-air before returning back to normal. My father was clasping both armrests and his feet were in brace posi

sed his index finger to push his glasses back into

n was terrified. He feared I was going to lose my life in an intergalactic war. He was sure my death was fact that was just waiting to be written into the history panels. My father would never say this to my face but I was his female clone, chi


ked up

ll o

'?" He raised an eyebrow. Obviously he had show

need to calm down. Everything's going to

e you ta

w: "I know what you're thinking. You

h. He knew I knew him better than anyone. He

capable of driving us all the way to Washington D.C. but my father did no trust technology that much. The aut

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