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The Adventures of Larson and Garrett - Investigating Trouble

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 917    |    Released on: 04/01/2018

to the man, sayi

r, and a neatly trimmed beard. Finally, the three boarded the open cart. Upon butts touchin

of town, " he replied before turning to his new

ff his body, and Garrett's clothing was absolutely shredded; his athletic physique gleaming under magickal light. As th

" Mathew

ng for our meal, our clothes, offering a ni

ior. "What can I say? Xorinth welcomes yo

ce have to do with

eren't devoured by wyverns. Be happy that trinket is in safe hands,

fine, stone architecture. The buildings were mostly gray, dark block, with a gothic design; tall steeples, flying buttresses, gloomy, yet

racle that you two have sur

e looking at the wooden boards of the


and they were nothing compared with the stories Rolas told me

s where I met both your father and Rolas, so I fig

ctly is y

that ensconced the keep, the prince's very own home. It was a fifty foot tall, circular monstrosity of bluish, gray stone ground down and smoothed to a fine finish. Several openings along the wall, which held hallways for the guards' patrol, allowed Garrett a cha

the king, though he is my true emp

Garrett's question. Garrett wasn't sure if that meant he was or wasn't a detect

lls come without a price tag,

inding someone to assist them on their quest, someone powerful, and Mathew had the right connections; a few favors might earn them the prince's ear, and the Magickal Prince was a good

ehind his head. The wind slightly ruffled his short, brown hair. The man clenched his jaw, but di


o secr

etting is right. I know the both of you are good men. Of that, there is no doubt, and today, good men are scarce. You want something to fight for, a common cause, a righteous cause.

?" Garrett

ked at him. "Did h

u have known. I didn't

t amulet you gave Rolas is not

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