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LARC Transmissions - An Anki Legacies Science Fantasy Anthology for Young Adults

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 971    |    Released on: 25/01/2018

aler than usual. She hoped no predators

b asked through

. I think you'll pull through, Rob." Christy gave him a reassuring smile and opened the small first

e creatures. Rob speculated aloud that perhaps most had

In the newfound calm Christy reached for her slate, but stuf

llection. They had no way to pilot the sea rover remotely. Based on her

d then paused to check for signs of pursuit. While it proved slow going, neither wanted to invite another skirmish. The trek continu

d to re

t know if I can sleep knowing those things

e'll trade." Christy settled in without waiting for response. She didn't know if sleep wo

ed specter, but his natural eyes underneath drooped in a series of s

uld have reassured to hear it faintly and grow ever less audible. Her partner slept heavily and she let him rest well beyond the hour promised. It would not do to carry on their trek with Rob's strength ebbing. R

God. It must hav

we'll finish our rations now. Next brea

ish, without any sign of further pursuit. Time was critical to warn the outpost against an invasion of the locals,

confident of safe return with every moment. The rock shaped like a turtle, a narr

am aboard the sea rover and punched in the base's loca

d! Your tracking signals went offline near

ys fix us a warm meal, and we'll catch u

hat you guys are alright. I..." the comm offic

bbed the controls. The sea rover sped toward its base. Two blue

ering the settlement. Tentacles thrashed the coral walls, men and women ducked into buildings, despera

the sound shrilled, odd

locked on the weary explorers. "We have not f

ff the seabed. The welt on one's head and dark scab on its part

t his assault. He hammered the wounded trunk of the creature w

d in pain and wrapped

hand in a wide haymaker, connecting with a bulbous eye. She smashed aga

s grasped Rob, Christy, and the Enceladans wit

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