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Nobody's Angel

Chapter 4 NO.4

Word Count: 2788    |    Released on: 26/01/2018

Eva? If you guys don't like it, you can continue

Eva is over there ---


nd I followed her example. It was my sixteenth birthday, so we were surround

sickened at the idea. She was too nice and knew me

ing a resolution. Starting right now, I was going to do something crazy. I was getting out of my shell, just a little bit. I had to live my l

matched mine, but I was subjecting myself to this commitment, no matter what th

den personality. My carpet was blue, and my bed frame, doors, and dresser were wood. My sheets were green, blue, and purple stripes. The

n my blanket, contemplating my option

do?" Cassie enthusiastically

was the definition of rural. Sure, I loved my big house in the middle of no w

considered a town. We only had the bare essentials: bank, library, school, grocery story, post office, a couple of locally owned resta

ldn't be many opportunities after this one.) I wasn't complaining, though. I loved the feeling of freedom my license and car gave me. My p

shouted out that we were leaving. I didn't wait for an affirmative before slamming the door behind me, afraid I would be accused of abusing my new freedom to quickl

all-seeing stars flickering down on me as I drove towards them, a

didn't think about music, dancing, or studying anymore. It was Seth. Like a song I couldn't get

Could he have just been playing with my head? Could it be something harmless, like his dad got moved to a new job? Or did it have to do with us? But what would Cassie,

mpiled a list in my head that I reminded myself to jot down soon b

s lacking in all the other guys she had dated. They only looked at her as a girl a little bit more important than the other ones in our school, noth

other boys that had ever been interested in her. She accepted him instantly, which wasn't like her. She usually h

pay attention to him, even if I didn't like it. It was as if I was drawn to him by some unknown force I had no control ov

ruly caught my attention, though. I didn't understand why he had the stubborn drive to pursue me, but he did. Confidence coated his tone, like he was used to being listened attentively

h. I pushed my focus to pay attention to driving, the music, the conversation between El

wanting to watch the repeated videos. Snowflakes started falling, and the wind sliced

ets, not having the guts to decline. The paper was stuffed deep into her pocket where I knew it wouldn't resurface for days. Her guilt about the harmless seven digits

er a weird look because she was sitting right next to me, but she mouthed, "Ope

na talk 2 them, but just warning u, they r xtra hot

book somewhere, she casually got out her mirror and pretended to check her makeup. She angled her wrist so that she actually saw the

ed him. Cody was in jeans and a shirt covered in graphics, his blonde hair flopping into his eyes. Seth wore jeans and a red shirt with a gold dragon on the side. Seth smirked right into the mirror, and I gasped at being caught. I qui

before he said anything. I could hear his huff of annoyanc

is drink out of the cup holder on the back of my chair, feeling his breath tease the fine hairs on the back of my neck. I held my breath in anticipation, wondering if h

my eyes. It was some action movie, and when I finally focused enough on it to understand what was going on, all of the important information had already been said and the conflict set into motion. Everyone was on the

ure Seth only got a glance. I didn't need any hormones to rage out of control tonight. Seth muttered something under his breath, making Cody and Colton hurry on ove

ing a huge gust of freezing air right into my face. I shivered in discomfort. Even wi

in the right direction, Seth

cold and big, fat snowflakes were falling. My coat couldn't keep out the w

ught out a plan and was desperately searching for an excuse or the n

to face him. "How a

birthday, " I inform

to him when I shivered, still with that look on

my promise to myself. Why not take a chance with my heart for once? It couldn't be that bad of an idea, could it? It's not like I was going to fall i

and Cassie were

have this much control over me. In an instant, his entire demeanor had changed. He now appeared confident, like he was playing a game he knew he would win. His eyelids lowered until

as if sharing a dirty secret, "I didn't ge

ighed, my breath crystal

ing his nose along my neck. I tipped my head back

fuse, although it sounded weak even to my

rm. My head got fuzzy, like I was having a head rush, but I could still see perfectly. My ears plugg

rms. My muscles were as weak as my w

ll get us there. Don't worry about anything. Just rest." He picked me up bridal style. His lips found my closed eyelids, my nose, and my hair, melting the stubborn

uld never get any colder. Too tired to form a coherent sentence, I moaned in protest. "Sorry, A

ke it, " I

we're almost there." He kept talking, and his voice was so amazing. Why hadn't I noticed how deep it was, or how gentle? Why hadn't I noticed tha

rooning to me until I found the comfort of slumber, th

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