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Doll Face

Chapter 4 Innocent

Word Count: 3704    |    Released on: 26/01/2018


ck did I s

Varrao. He won't stop until he brings everyone down, you

e, I know she is. She has to

t tell who was who or what was what

opped them, Mario pulls doll face out the back seat and carries her into the

ly scared he

all eyes were on us, Mario lead her t

ctor, You can say he has a speci

an, boss shot her and she hasn't said a word. She was bleeding but Mario applied p

n't make a sound. All she did was cry silen

'', Johnny whis

d what I do or say, goes! Johnny examined her legs carefully, "I need

t rip it or something. I'm not taking

can properly take the bullet out, c

hat she wanted to say. ''Everyone o

ough'', Mar

d every one of you without hesitation, now everyone out. Tell mama to c

tight. ''Boss, she's scared of you. Just l

nd released a gunshot

he last one out, ''you know where everything is, and if you need any

r. But not before seeing Mario and

th f*cked h

wasn't there, I saw the tip of her flats under the bed. I walked over to the bed and grabbed her

shut tightly. ''Take off your clothes'', h

and in the hook of her jeans and pulled her closer to me. I unbuttoned her button, unzipping the zipper down. I was st

ou again.'' I said which I didn't know why I

t she didn't, you fucking shot her, wha

er skin. Feeling her smooth skin, I sucked in a breath mentally until they reached mid-thigh, the most distracting part was

't such a good idea. I swallowed hard as her sweet pu**y became more visible for my eyes to see. Her hips and V line curved in the most delicate way I've ever seen. Her tummy was s

hts, think disgu

below her thigh, ''sit on the bed'', I said as I walked ove

ves, Q-Tip, forceps, tweezers, scalpel, l

is is a numbing shot, it won't make you feel anything'', I said as I

her flats and pulled her jeans all the way do

ing and I'm kinda thankful

up in a I don't know matter. I placed my hand above her wound and grabbed it. '

'Don't look so you won't pass out.'' I said looking

rom time to time I would look up to see if she was watching me but she wasn't. I placed the scalpel into her skin to slowly open up the wound. Grabbing the forceps, I held on to the bullet wit

tears fell down. I closed my eye's. ''Stop crying l

should shoot you and you'll see how it feels'', she sa

y. I took the cloth and cleaned the affected area. I examined it, it was bleeding but not to a point where i

p a lot'', I said placing it near her lips. She smacked

d the wound. I pulled back and went to get the stitch

on the wound, just so it wouldn't get infected. ''So yo

grabbed her thig

're not leaving here, I want to know who you really are and why you're here. I'll have one of the maids prepare a room for you. Do

ing it. I'm not who you think I am, and I wish I never meet you or you're family in the first place. I want to go h

oll face. You're stuck here

omething for the pain'', I told Johnny. I faced Vinny, ''Let one of the maids step up a room for her. She's st

th mama. She was looking at me with

Santos, ju

o find out you shot her. What is the matter with you? Not everyone is a Varra

about Emma.'' I said wipin

lla. You fell in love with her but she choose Varrao's boy.

at me, I grabbed the oversized vase and threw it on the floor


at the moment but doll face expression of pity. I slammed the door shu



ould come in my room and dress my wound without a word and leave right after he's finished. I

siting my parents for a couple of week's. She called to check

She knew something was off, ''you know you can tell me anything Emily. You're m

I heard from her. I m

ul. She treated me like I was

son Santos. And who's Stella that broke him to be the man he was. But she's di

d exact

s from now on. God, the embarrassment of that day still haunts me. All my clothing were Santos tee shirts, I physical smell like him at the moment. I asked for clo

hem, I returned them but had Santos say somet

But be sure if I catch a little glimpse, then I'll have y

But I was scared for my life, if he can shoot me then he can rape me. But the way he said it made something in my core tingle. Or the way his fingertip brush against my thigh every time he dressed my wound made me feel a

thoughts. I knew who it was, he nev

p breath, ''com

h the first aid kit in his hands, I sat on the vanity chair that was near the bed and he would always kne

back to work at Mario's and

', he asked for the first

ust say you w

here, I mean, I'm fin

aid it, n

won't open my mouth or say a word to anyone. Not even to myself. I'll

stared at me with his fo

rd he

cop's are always there at Mario's shop. You'll crack and

I said as my eye's started to water. God, how long will I be

back to Pa and stay there. You'll never see me again. I

ed. ''Your lucky I hav

than fearing for my life every night thinking you might come and k

n't take it anymore. I was treated well but tha

k but you have to stay here until the cop's

took that from him, if you had problems with him, why does the child has to pay the price? For him or her not to have a father arou

e was going to be a

r his life, but your men didn't show any merc

p alive. The man's face would haunt my nigh

. ''I didn't know that, if I knew I woul

nd's. I felt him near me but I didn't dare to look up

.'' He said as he placed the gun that was in his hand around

were someone who....'', he sighed deeply. ''Just shoot me and I'll let you leave.

I forgive you. Just l

y way for you to leave is for you to shoot me

lease, I don't want to shoot anyon

't shoot then kiss

took my hand off th

me. You'll leave in the morning if you do one


hat seem to be hurt in hi

ll!'' He

ildly, the gun felt heavy in my hand's. His intense gaze caused me to

kisses turned even more demanding but I didn't know what to do. I just gave in to him. God, why did this feel good? I was melting in his arm's, my breathing was raging and I lost

d my body. He placed both hands on the floor besides him and leaned back. I felt something in his pants underneath me. I moved aro

good or bad? What was

uy I ever kissed. Now that we're done here, I'll be he

hick long thing in between my legs. I moved arou

ss'', he said looking

and what in the world is that thing in your pants? I

the first man you kiss, and will be the only man you'll ever kiss. And that annoying thi

to have him pull me near and

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