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Biting Wild: Lycans of Grayville

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2336    |    Released on: 07/02/2018

I shot up right and I realized I was clothed again. I was wearing a large male tee shirt and some loose fitting sweat pants. I felt my body and it was smooth and silky and very human. I smelt de

ere before; hell I had not been in any one's home here. I had basically gone to school, to work and to the local supermarket. I looked a

me to expect in the 21st century. I could tell this house was huge, just from the dimen

unette with the brown and yellow eyes cooking. She was just as scrawny as me, but maybe an inch and a half taller; still

wake! How ar

guess?" I sounded very unsure of myself, even to m

thirteen. It hurt like hell and I ac

other voice, older and full of feminine power. "You

girl. She had white blonde soft curly hair and the same vivid brown and yellow eyes as the younger girl. She had thicker curves and more generous breas

has no fucking clue what is happening, Ang you do! Stop fucking challenging her right when she wakes up from her first change! You should know better you three hundred year old…Ow!" The snow haired beauty, Ang, thumped

is, Lacy is right. I should not have poked a

ow much they had rehearsed that mannerism. Ang pointed at a still pouty Lacy and said, "Y

, "If you do that, then who is gon

air, even the two other women. Was everyone

pack Eleanor G

er mouth move at all. How the hell did she do that? What t

e, not submission or surrender. She made it clear with eve

, but it might not work on you, since you a

re you goi

much. I will not be able to help you recall las

sult and I said, "SO sorry, b

yes were annoyed with me, but she was still offering me some kind of weird

oice rumble in what could only be described as an

y. Everything played like a movie now; the whole scene in the bathroom where Lacy found me and helped m

to help me through the pain of the 'change.' I remember finally giving in to my anger and I ran out of this house

t over twenty people comfortably around it. The first words out of my mouth were, "We ate bambi's dad last ni

Ang was laughing as she handed me a huge jug of Sunny D. When she stopped laughing she said, "Drink plen

up and began gulping it down. I gave her a sheepish grin and said, "I'll buy you

a lot less tense now. They were mostly just curious of me now. I did not understand most of what was happening, but as

ught. The others waited for Ang to dig into her food, before they started eating though. I realized that I was breaking every rule of wolves in the wild and I was not doing

uld smell the scent of wolf musk all over this house and I could smell the traces of blood from fresh kills on most of the people her,

ow and gave her a

ust tripped her circuit breaker now

to keep spouting the words were and wolf around us.

d gave her a

ever talked to were, I

n a class with at least four of us this semester, in a way,

eepish look and shrugged her shoulders. Ang massaged her temples and ranted unde

by a Lycan. I assume you can remember a big ass wolf attacking yo

I turned in for the night, I was attacked. It was a huge light brown male wolf and he bit into my foot and began to drag me out of my camp site. I mana

sympathy and it was

on Clay's land during that attack. He is one of the local alphas and we get along well enough. I can pass this information along to him and we can help you figure out who bit y

euter naughty Lycans. Sometimes I think it is

to her sister, but I notice how much everyone seems to love her. She is a sweet and adorable little girl, so it

trance and said, "Please call me Ele that is my preferred nick na

o dominant to offer you pack status. Your house is luckily in a neutral ground between my territory and Clay's, so you

ened if I lived on on

shocked look and she just spread her hands i

rose colored shades you humans inhabit. I protect that which is mine and I do not let outsid

y dog looks and said, "Ele can I come

hands and

d, "Ang you realize you now have to ask her for permission to

at could have frozen ov

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