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Living With The Anderson Boys

Chapter 3 NO.3

Word Count: 1799    |    Released on: 02/03/2018

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my face with the blanket as I try and block out the annoying sound. I smil

tending that I am asleep so the person leaves me alone s

e yell, making me le


a whimper. Now I am missing the warm material. I look down at my attire and n

d I hold myself back from hitting my head.

myself to try and keep me warm. Cole crosses

et out a sigh and get off the bed, grabbing my choice of clothes for today. I he

so lu

throwing the blanket on the bed. "You can go, " I say, catching his atte

and sigh. I am not ready for this. I still can't believe that I have slept in the A

othes, entering the shower and closing the

counter and take a bite. The boys, who were all aro

ly confused. He notices this and smirks which makes me raise my eyebrow. He looks down a

s face. He grabs my wrist to stop me moving my ha

the bin but Hayden is still holding my wrist. When I look back at the f

drop the apple immediately, not even wanting to have it anymore.

y hands. All the boys laugh and I wipe my hands on my pan

ay and before I can walk out the door and h

ely racing as the thoughts of going to school with the most notorious bad bo

ol with these boys and get asked questions about why I arrived to school with them and get bullied. No

t." Alec cuts through my thoughts and

that situation and you can't make me!" I say with a scoff, turning on my heel and opening the front door. B

snatch my arm away from Cole's grip

er two minutes of fighting, I finally push every

most hated per

ayden's chair. "Let me throw something at him!" Hayden adds and

n and he throws me a smirk before aiming the rock

ock out the window and everyone watches at it flies towards the 'Da

that rock wa

h his hand, glaring hard at us. "Hayden!" Damien yells a

yells and suddenly, Damien starts runnin

as the car starts to speed down the road, Damien completely out of everyon

down as Sam drives into the parking lot. I hear some people scre

, then Cole and finally Alec. After a few seconds, I realise that it is now my turn. I take a deep breath and shu

tares. We all walk towards the building and I let out a sigh w

hem wave back so I turn my head to see a bunch of g

in their car?" One o

u know, because she is t


nding loudly. I turn around to face my locker and

was w

going say

ine, holding my tray in my hands. The meal f

lled already, making me sigh. Some people in the cafeteria are still staring at me and whispering and I am sick of everyone's

their n

ave thei

of course, because if they knew I am staying at the

the middle table, laughing and winking at

rt to walk to my usual spot at the bleachers until I b

such a bad day? I open my eyes and look to my side, po


ook up to see Sam. He is looking down at


m angrier. "Follow me." He says and I furrow my eyebrows. He gives me a

I tap his shoulder and his eyes looked down at me,

climb in the passenger seat. Sam starts the car and I start playing with my fingers. After a f

k again, not meeting his face.

lears up, boredom clear in his tone. I hold up my hand to object b

it pri

- Ed

ent, and a v


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