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Brownie Oxford and the Ashland Affair: Brownie Bk1

Chapter 3 Brownie Oxford and the Ashland Affair

Word Count: 3206    |    Released on: 07/03/2018


ade an odd humming sound under his breath as he worked. Every now and again I thought I could detect a tune, but then he wou

s office sadly. Dr. Harding knew who Swift was and had treated me for pretty much every injury I sustained while consulting for the Company. Hell, he had even treated me for strep throat and chicken pox. Never

nsciousness?" Dr

Swift r

for more than t

told him. Dr. Harding nodded,

ld be fine. Let me know if she gets dizzy or confused." Dr. Harding tur

actice of Dr. Harding. The building may have looked like an off-shoot of a strip mall outside, but inside it smelled of pain and secrets. The air was

d been to and from Dr. Harding's place enough to know ho

ere are we go

g to a hotel.


outside your apartment, which means someone knows where to find you. Unt

tle point in arguing. I also knew there was little point in asking how long I would be at the hotel as the answ

yet another firing. I sighed heavily. I had enjoyed working in the flower shop. But then again I had also enjoyed working in the jewelry store, the three book

ll, " Sw

t him know I made it back safely sin

told me. "Until he is cleared of involv

om comment as we drove. I should have k

ir shoddy security. The hotel Swift chose was comfortably in the middle. It looked like the sort of place someone rolling through town on business

was located more or less in the middle. It was on the third floor of the six storey hotel and lo

suggested would be the first suspected and therefore the first target. He then told me that he always paid for the obvious room as well as the one he actually used. The obvious room served as an early warning system. I then recei

ift opened the hotel door and motioned me inside. It was a relief to be inside the p

said as he t


hing. I can't wander around in a torn dress until you clear my ap

e a

mall drawer I found a pen and a square notepad emblazoned with the hotel logo. I sat dow

ess center as we came in. Swift may want me holed up in the hotel room while he sorted things out, but I doubted I could stare at the

rs as I put my laptop bag with its current contents on the list. I


ptop. I won't go on-line until you tell me it is safe, " I

phone in

ch I was carrying when they grabbed me. My wallet is in there

heck." Swift folded the paper and tucked it into a po

d blood and my feet were killing me; I wasn't going an

mething for you

s, " I

wift only planning to be gone an hour and nothing to change into, I wasn't quite ready to take a shower. I was however more than ready to lose the shoes. I took the shoes off and sighed

y I could strip off the dress, bathe, assess and deal with the damage all at once. I could already feel what was sure to be a bruise

Daffy and Buggs engaged in a battle of wits. The shaking started in my hands and seemed to sink deep into my bones

uld figure out what was going on. He would figure out who knew about me and what they wanted. And then my life would go back to normal. I let out a short

idn't want to bother with a cart. I had been swaddled in a dove gray blanket with red trim. To keep me steady or perhaps warm, paper had been stuffed around me. The pa

which I clutched, the pronunciation guide and list of symbols used, a blurb about the creation of the Oxford English Dictionary or OED and a substantial chunk of th

htly jaundiced skin and had been reminded of fairy tales her Irish-born grandmother had tol

fter all, if you were going to handpick a child, would you go for the one who didn't look long for this world? Time after ti

to a fluctuating chemical imbalance. After three months of specialized vitamins, I looked as healthy as any other

e and rejection at every turn, it had seemed like a miracle when Swift and his pe

ing with had broken up due to a barely hidden affair and a growing inability to hide a prescript

Hollywood crowd, Mrs. Ellison loved hearing about visiting foreign diplomats, university scandals and civic celebrations. Riverdale luckily had been gifted with several magazine subscriptio

as in the process of regaling me with tales from her own long ago dinner parties, as well as tips for managing kitchen staff during formal events, when Swift put in his first appearance. I never did learn why he was in th

eal place to live, it was familiar. I knew the rules and the temperaments of those who ran it. I was familiar with what was allowed and could avoid trouble. Staying also eliminated the fear and worry that came from being placed i

abilities determining their range, strength and reliability. The others at the home were told I had a part time job and I was even

fess anything to anyone. Besides, telling people that you can raise the spirits of the dead either gets you your own television show or a trip to the shrink's office. I doubted Riverdale had

asset who would consult on an as needed basis. Each consult would result in a fee being transferred into my bank account. In all fairness to Swift, he may have se

on men and thieves were the best of the lot. They left me feeling greasy and in need of a bath when the inter-dimensional interview

ber that there were good people in the world, and that all of the good people who did exist weren't fated to become victims

d through the peep hole to see Swift returning from his gat

ing from the paper sack. I rarely indulged in take out as the repercussions weren't worth it, but tonight seemed like a good night to indulge. The sickly,

ad been on my own, I noticed certain foods helped me take fewer pills and I had been keeping track. I had also noticed that the more I used my gift, the more important th

n and ate while Elmer tried to decide if it was rabbit or duck season. The light headed and vaguely nauseated feeling dwindled and I felt a little be

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