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My Ex, My Husband

Chapter 5 NO.5

Word Count: 555    |    Released on: 12/03/2018

room close to it so they wouldn't hear me cry and

into her and felt her wrap her arms around me. "W-w-Whh-y?" I

me down on the chair before taking one wipe from the box of wip

she whistled and said "Damn girl! You have got the shape" to lighten the moo

es care about you. He alw

d downstairs. It was an ORDER, not a request. It's always a

he didn't want anything to happen to his babies and his wife just because of her stubborn nature which was childish. That was his way of caring. He just doesn't know how to express his feelings. He would lock them up with chains and padlocks. He was not taught things like that and unfortunately, I couldn't even teach him because I didn't know it myself. Hell! I learnt how t

y are coming over for dinner and

ght they just signed it. How can they

get it over and done with. Everything i

ing the air-conditioner to a normal temperature and kissed my cheek a

and all. Sorry.

d j





ove it i

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