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Project Looking Glass

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 786    |    Released on: 10/04/2018

o-tight blouse, as her eyes held a slight hunger

just too b

erent, half-waved a hand,

on as I came in and

red to activate

desk. I was worn out; that was the first time that I'

ad materialized on the holo-sc

hed the Mohawk; in fact

sighed, "got som

upper right hand drawer; the one with the document scanner in it. I shoved the

d summar

summarized the documents. It also checks for fingerprints, chemic

he'd stop th


hat've y

rm gaze and said, "Fir

saw a slight pout

rmer hairstyle; and I


ammed thi

logy, n


ou can have hair if the style doesn't get too wil

d from his projected head; and then pr

Okay, n

ything from toasters and spacecraft to biogenetics and biotabs, plus real estate, asteroid mining, an orbital station, the

"How much of a bit

tors; they own and help maintain the

e appear to have some s

ar what the invisi

apped up,

of stuff visible


Operation Sunburn



d any luck with M

clearing sound, and said, "Well, first the

et on w

rather well,


, I g

you d

slightly, "their sys

a compu

" he said defensively. "She wa

what'd y

n't live with the

found out that- You know, she


rious projects to hide some money transferred to a secre

tion S

30 billion over th

chicken feed to MUT, but still,

have been transferred to various phon

w m

red out of various jobs. But before you ask, no I can't tell you what those or


time her boyfriend


inning to arrange themselves in my mind. But, since the

n that file number. Keep track of me through the Comnet, " I activated the homing


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