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The Partnership

Chapter 1 1: Amicable

Word Count: 1168    |    Released on: 04/06/2018


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He laid on the spare bed, facing away from me, while I sat on the other

ly slowly, I brought my finger towards his tan flesh. He watched it every inch of the way until I was a hair's-length away from

and dark, making it sound mysterious. I shivered

claimed, getting off his

" Grayson stated bluntly, sitting upwards,

urely, tilting my head

r form." Grayson spoke agitatedly, getting u

adding the usual spring to my step as I foll

He opened it and walked out, probably expecting me to stay put. Ha, nope. I

son snapped, turning a sharp

truth is, I'm used to jerks like Grayson, I grew up with people like him. Of cou

e normal, y

I'm not no

yper, commercialized ra

r bunny than the grouch that li

m silently until he found his way to the elevator. "Were you lost?" I snickered, stopping be

looking up at him. A few wisps from my two braids got in my fa

mined to make good conversation. I've always wa

ghtly uncomfortable with all the mirrors there were in this particular elevator. As the doors started to close, Grayso

e at me through the crack. I narrowed my eyes at the door, re

oors opened, I walked determinedly to the training room once more. I passed through t

rs -- and saw that Tyler had moved to the punching bag. He was beating it so

around in a battle position, ready to fight. "Woah, woah." I said,

nounced, steppin

?" He asked me, steady

o beat the punching bag once more. "He

the bag. "Grayson? You're shar

wardly, rubbing my hands

tarted, moving closer to me. "

antics. "I'll be fine, t

e said, knowing exactly how I fe

e world had floated away, like I'd

yourself?" A lady in a white hazmat suit as

d quietly, though I had

at someone. Suddenly, I felt a jolt o

l me about yourse

ady motioned again, allowing another flo

bout yourself?" She rep

d short, hiccuping on m

ew name." Some people untangled the wires and took them off

le Admin, Ballistic, Energ

old letters it

he woman. I snapped my head back, hyper aware of my surroundings. I saw Tyle

ry." Tyler apolog

roaked, my voice

d his arms around me in a warm embrace that I craved.

seem to talk much, but when he does, it's only rude

rried about." Tyler sai


un du

and it's -17C back home

ature where you a

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