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The Bad Boy's Baby

Chapter 3 NO.3

Word Count: 1080    |    Released on: 04/06/2018


moon. We were going to Paris

my life had changed. Ab

issed hers. I chuckled at the thought. I remember the boys were there when I was burning anger at the gym. I remember Jesse was there when my

sweetheart?" Jesse asked

sing my "bitchy" mouth so I told her the boys missed

though." He sa

we need to go to the doctor"

g wrong?!" He ask

s hand on my stomach and his smile got bigger, if possible. It wa

of joy." He says and

like a princess and get her everything she wanted. Then when I would come home from work, we could all

s boy and daddys little champion. He would always be excited for us all to be together.

lane and i cudd

ollins" he smiled a

sse Collins" I smi

ow how jesse managed but I think he carried me a

theart. I don't know why but ever since Jesse had

I sm

date?" He says, his eyes were glimm

u don't have to take m

d out to eat" I

date" he mumble

you can take me on a date" I s

e says and

t myself ready though

autiful, don't want to fight

'm just changing into a dress"

bathroom door, peering in. He was l

tiptoed ov

Jesse didn't ev

w what you were going to do." He c

way and po

esse says like a 3 y

tick on your lips"

me kiss you" he

it, hmm?" I questi

I step backwards, until my

crashes his lips in mine

ted me like I

hrew my arms around his neck

d i loved how I still got

ssue and get rid of the bright re

lack jeans, he looked hotter than ever. I wore a shor

and my makeup was neutral e


" I smile and h

resteraunt and ha

arried the girl of m

down the road,

made me see a huge

o lucky to be married to yo

t for our baby. Just i

It would be worth it with you by my side. I love you so much worse can't even describe. I still get sparks and butterflies. If I'm ever mad, angry, upset all I

lucky?" I mumbled

th that princess" he says befor

een any more perfect, especially si

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