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My Bad Boy Neighbour

Chapter 4 NO.4

Word Count: 1045    |    Released on: 04/06/2018

er 4-


was random"

asn't had her first boyfriend yet, not that the

do" I shrug. I haven't had a girlfriend before and I'm 18. Waiting would be be

up for her because you

have told him wh

ay, "and if she was wr

k into the room looking gorgeous

decide to kiss her on the cheek.

fireworks and sparks but I didn't

upset because

ite even though

t was the most adorable

ther mentioned us toge

ct her from the bad in the world. I wanted to be the guy she looked up

n't like me and the thought

be the annoying

" Darren pats my back b


who has been trying to get me to s

s determined but

t meaningle

ve or beautiful. "Chad, can you stop calling me that. It's annoying" she had said. Her lips was curled into the most adorabl

saving it for someone special and recently, I

y. You love

arcastically. I almost

n hanging around

oy" she says before l

h her

member it. I don't want my first kiss to be tainted. I don't want to kiss her when just yesterday she was at a cl

ere near as adorable as Lucy's pout. It wasn't e

y before walking away,

smiled at me so beauti

asked, glancing at me before she ca

and Dani anymore" I chuckle although I was

an and Darren went ahead with

o her. Her scent filled the air- I couldn't describe what

she smiled, glancin

t on?" I ask, leaning a little o

ts and my thoughts immedia

Romeo" I joke, winking

ghs and I feel

ere you embarrassed?" I

ne" its hard to believe she has never been in a relationship. She is

n, I haven't been in a relationshi


k and she sh

ever dated a girl?" She questions and

emember my first love so why would I date random people. I wa

derstands me" she le

morning. They gotta be special to lov

it isn't the first time she walking in a room and took my breath away. I don't think I was. Alt

say, emba

cky girl?" She j

iggled, poking my sho

he?" She asked, carry

to say but ins

tell you

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