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His Sweetheart

Chapter 4 NO.4

Word Count: 1696    |    Released on: 04/06/2018


ecause I already slept, but I was still really tired. I realised it was because I had a s

, i could hear her smile and it

sh playing with his toys. "I was wandering, when would I

he says and i nod my head wh

fortable without me" She says and I smile,

as a family is my only wish. However, I know it wouldn't be

s. I always loved my girls bossy and demanding side, it was fucking h

Amelia was a strong girl. She would always say that she was fine no matter the current situati

I'm so sorry" she whispers achingly. As if not telling me about Luke affected her too. "I really did want to tell you, I did. But when that whole thing came up, I assumed you were going to leave me anyw

be it didn't look right when you came home and Lily was there- even though she just barged in. I assumed you wouldn't mind because she was your best friend, who was I to send her away? My point is you chose the best decision for

last two years but seeing you and how you reacted when knowing we had a son made it a whole lot worse" I hear a little sob escape, a

please don't cry. It breaks my heart to hear you cry wh

the person who took them away. Don't you hate me for doing that to you?" She asked. The image of her silently crying down the phone to me, clutching

wasn't told about my son, but I needed my girl to be ok too. I believed strongly that Amelia was- is my soulmate, I belie

ve those

eems to make her

p apologising, I feel like

crying?" I hear Luke

y" she whispers to Luke, "Mummy i

, Amelia, are the most gorgeous, loving, caring, sweet and considerate person I've ever met in my life. I know the choice of you to move and raise Luke on your own wa

?" She asked and

hough were being unfair but going back to someone that cheated seemed pointless. I love you Amelia, we forgive those that we love and even tho

harder if you were really really upset and heartbroken" she says. Although I am really really upset and heartbrok

per, letting out

u at Starbucks?"

says her goodbyes b

ter, and we sat in a booth. Luk

y" Amelia says after Luk

ove you anymore, does he

t now Luke" she

yet that Amelia said I didn't love he

melia tear up at Luke's words, "I miss you and I d

daddy to stay

o I grabbed her hand under the

addy, forever and ever!" L

on Amelia's hand, and she lo

smile at Luke and

asked in his cute little voice, and I smile,

ps back into Amelia's and this time

ed now?" Luke asked, mak

nd answer it, without let


it's S

see Amelia look at me in a mixture of jealousy an

nded still. I was wandering if y

rrow" I say, "have you cancelled eve

can't reschedule any later than the 2

eting but cancel everything else. Anything else ca

Amelia asked and I

month but I have a meeting I can't miss o

uke questions, his eye

little bit and I'll come straight back,

bly and happy i

tball, and everything else when Amelia

giving me one of her heart

e mouths and I

how her eyes lightened in colour and h

ile before Luke and I

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