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King Zod

Chapter 5 ...

Word Count: 1660    |    Released on: 06/07/2018


ng me back down onto the sofa, he turned around and picke

gh of his

ore time and I'll fucki


to shake. Flexing every in

the fake story you told me. You're sick in the head, and something is wrong with you. So



how can I want

tale to entertain people back in the old days. How can you shift from a wolf to a human or whatever?

back to the brown co

ings, that didn

w my body has changed. Didn't you say I was much bigger, taller? I'm trying everything, but

erent than a second ago. He was crazy;

h? Who exactly? I don't know what you went

something. "If I bring out Seth to tell

eem to know me. I'll ask a question only Seth knows the answer to if he tells

as he was, why was I even

ly way to prove ourse

help her. We won't go h

the same person. "Shit, I'm going crazy

pull him back in i

od there watching as he screamed over and over again. I back away from him,

e, Maya, pleas

ater, Oh my god, w

my way back, hugging himself a

, I was supposed to be dead along with them, but I survived. I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt anyone, I ju

ell, was h

the kitchen, he was looking f

e he turned around, gripp

ife to his throat. "No Seth, stop! Don't do

m. He took over my body. Possessed it in a way. I'm not crazy Maya, and they're

to him as sl

em. I believe you!" I said as I

. He was crazy. He n

e asked wit

't want you to

t yea, I believe you. I just wish yo

before letting


to my email. I downloaded everything into a USB. I never meant to hurt anyone. I was scared for my life, scared they would kill me. I

ring out. His eyes shifted to the

r Zod?" I

believing that he was

oof, go see it for yourself!"

rouchy one. So Zod wo

n see the footage of him. You're

icking me up effortlessly. "You wil

Not human. So talk with r

ist. I was lifted up to face him. Staring into his




t u

nt a h

t u

ch you Maxi

me. Maybe I can communicate better with Zod; he is

Maximus; you'v

despise you! Loathe yo

you doing? Look at

Please let me go


go...please." She cho

n't want me to know, slowly putting her dow

ng me feel what you'

answering, I took over

't like humans because they killed our kind. He won't harm you, trust me! If he wante

lieve you now. I don't think I can help you. He's go

as king Zod, which Ma

pered before she stood up. "I-"

ooking at, right at the door wa

ould sense that they were not human. They star

?" The woman spoke as s

. I need to talk with Seth in

hey were. But if they wer

e sliding door before facing me, "My wolf is commanding me to bow down to you, who are you and wh


up here? I'm not in a pack nor do I belong in one. I am a Rogu

I interrupted him or mo

adopted her due to our circumstances. My wife can not bare children. So we broke th

, "You dare to care for a

s voice, "She is my daughter, human or not sir

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