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The Ones Who were Chosen

Chapter 2 Monster in the Park

Word Count: 10636    |    Released on: 13/07/2018

nd Jacob was one of the last to leave. The lecturer gave him a nod as he made his way gradually out of the computer

erted building, and he felt a tingle down his spine as he passed the art classes, seeing a model of a young boy with a crow's head outside one of t

ered to himself,

automatic doors slid shut behind him, Jacob was stopped short. One of

ed to

d. He heard movement behind him. Glancing back he saw that

ve.' Jacob absorbed the

s. It opened onto the tiny kitchen and the hallway that led to the rest of the apartment. Glass double doors led

ce' Jaco

. 'We didn't bring you here for

ofas, sinking into it. Reuben trailed away into the kitchen, leavi

. Descending in one of the armchairs and eye

igned with a modern feel, and

Jacob as his eyes rolled around the room. 'That's how our bitch mother likes

nutes later carrying three mugs of t

at are yo

ange. Now sit down, I

ards he slid one of the mugs across the table towards J

ou're thinking' Reuben said, drinki

m it tentatively. It was sweeter than

e here?' he asked pu

need to tell you' Lucas replied

ntents of the mug. 'How many su



the sugar rush; we use a lot of

'Or would I rather not know? Anywa

'when you burned yourself


' Reuben added. 'That

hought back to that strange man he had met in t

and I pass my pow

?' Jacob breathed in awe. 'And

was already bored with having to explain. 'We are gua


t have met one before now?' Lucas tutted and turned his head

ou've not been a guardian for very long

ranger, who had called himself Venom. How stra

. 'I've never seen anyone like him be

his brother beside him. Lucas

rried on, swiftly changing the subject at the

pain…strong emotions…When you burnt yourself holding the match, both Reube


the end of the spoon around the mug with a fingertip.

led off, gazing out the window. 'He

ighed. 'I remember the day I first became


I felt weak suddenly, terribly terribly weak, and th

at gave you your powers?'

ancing to one another. Lu

ians. We've asked Drake and other guardians we've met before how they first became, and they a

dian?' Jacob ask

s tend to be handicapped in some way, ' Lucas went on.

ardian he had met, and remem

pass their powers onto another. One they think is worthy, someone who matches t

an do exactly?' Jacob a

and carry on with our lives, occasionally meeting others like us who come and go. Drake is the only one who stayed when others have go

some kid I believed once that there was more to this life, we both did. But in the end, all it came down to was a child's imagination.' He closed his fists, and the light snapped out of existence. 'We keep our magic secret. If anyone other than a guardian were to se

king to Jacob now in a whis

know when to keep your mouth shut?' He balled his fists, gri

guardians then?' Jacob asked hasti

s brother. 'My brother and I received our powers, one shortly after the other. On both occasions it happened in the day, with no warning.' Reuben shook his head. 'But we saw no one, no guardi

and I pass my pow

en' Jacob asked them. 'And how c

d go occasionally though they aren't common, and you've never seen them befor

?' Jacob said uncer

both o


has specific abilities, specific magic that they can perform. It will become as natural to


ians take on the name of the one who gave

happening to him. 'God this all seems so surreal' he said, pu

my swing and fire shot from my hands'

he steam was hot against his

and I pass my po

I was t

ers to.' Lucas spoke as if he had he

hy cho

een told'

r reason. Maybe you resemble someone he cares about. Whatever the reason he was sure of his choice, if a guardian

the table. 'It doesn't really matter why he picke

do I have?'

Reuben told him. 'It's like a sign

houghtfully, b

cas clarified. 'We guardia

ly. 'I've never really spoken to yo

as said sardonically. 'When I was young I wan

apartment again. 'You live here with your

him. 'She's out so much of the time she barely lives here. We don't know

horing' Reu

own the place' Lucas continued. 'We cert

e've never met him. Don't even who he

's your m

anger sometimes, and for the thousandth time she's walk

ere alone?'

out us?' Lucas ques


ng his fingers. 'You should probably be going now. We've told you everything we w

avy sigh. 'Reuben' he said. 'I think li

k you'r

'd better keep an eye out for her in case

t bi

hing his brother still seated

t yourself hurt again a

he had broken it many years ago when he was younger,

answered quietly. 'She

here were four of them, and they paid no heed to any of the people around them, who neither saw them, nor heard them. There was a group of teenag

mother, a daughte

ssing minute, the stars grew brighter,

sh voice, he whipped his tail in agitation and

oys attempted and failed to do a handstand on the swing itself. The

ers have found it yet

nd of his fiery red ha

was found. They still don't know yet wher

the orb she held before her. The sphere glowed; within it were many beauti


k out the

her. She was dressed all in black, with medium length black hair. Lauralie found herself thinking the girl to be very pretty, but immediately decided that she didn't like her at all. The w

rned back t

e whispered conversat

hian. She's not from around here, ap

ng on a lake in a rowing boat with her child. It was shortly afterwards the bell rang, and people started fil

er Christina' she

lone once she had packed up her things, swinging her bag over her shoulder and strolling o


nd pounced on her, jumping from b

frighten me like that all t

startled, it's hard not to make fun of it. You're like a little lamb.

rm though Alice's as

' Alice asked. 'Do you hav


nished ages ago. I wanted to wait for you because me and t

alie said p

others are already there. I t

er house is' La

wanted to wa

iends arm tightly. 'You'

ow ri

gether, heading out o

word on the stre

t wo

rs are comi


ng their thing and now they're coming home again. They're going to be putting on a show. I hear they're pretty good at it, though

fore how do you know they're

wondering if you wanted to come along to see them. Me and the others are going together, you c

ulous thing to do, go around prancing in different towns

ed sweetly at

rilliant, I'd

ueezing her arm excitedl

rake, he might

ade a comical fa

lie finished.

ou make me jealous to know tha

boyfriends' La

hat are friends'

's be

m to watch tonight if you'r

ie replied. 'I wasn't go

sed now, free from his lectures, he s

tructions that is represented in an ab

' Josh raised

put sequence should be mapped to a replacement


ended by the user….you record a set of actio


, frowning at his fri

s this stuff' Josh huffed. 'I just can't get

t better if you actually listened

just switch off. As soon as anyo

hook hi

most boring voice' Josh went on. '

the first time he had spoken in a while. 'I'm doing ancient history. I can't even remember wha

happened. It was a supposed attempt' Josh stressed the

ve in a different time t

bass' Josh returned,

guy anyway?' Jacob cut in

roman po

esitated then, noticing three figures standing just outside the doors of the library w

to see what Jacob was looking at, but the thre

osh asked. 'You

k to his work, but found that he could not. 'I've go

y wait a

into the beautiful sun. The car park was in view from outside the l

g against the wall at the back of the car par

denly felt heavy and his chest tightened. He took a dee

e library, Josh and Alex now watched. Jacob paused to glance back at them; then turn

rd' Lucas sai

nge for me from now on'

ead in response, h

t of no return my fri

e to use magic…but…I feel

met Venom?' R

to them what was happening. But he decided then that it didn't matte

o you' Lucas assured hi

g will i

d. 'Everyone

a hand tow

t. Will this be a

d his own. Lucas grasped his forearm tightly,

the three, as his frie

so often practiced their magic. But on this day they saw something strange. Something not

ad that welded into one colossal horn. Its mouth held a

st; its only acknowledgment of them was a

it, suddenly realising what


glancing all around her as if what s

her, brushing her cheek w

eet, they pose no

ore of them than

d. 'If they appear

said tha

ight' Kreas said stretching.

as fast as they can back to the king, how do we get it back

e had better make sure w

hood, glaring

away from here. I d

plied. 'The air he

We're in a busy town' Kreas teased

i snapped. 'You

ngerously, his

Li. 'It's still in this town;

ps at last

ame a thi

He turned and strode away, the hem of his ankle le

, Li,

i fell into the footsteps of the man who commanded her, and

e. The man stumbled, glancing around to see

er spoke calmly to him. 'You let

short of temper since we came to this town.

n here that lo

' Kreas snapped. 'I hate this

eplied. 'If I hear you say it aga

ckly fell

taking us mas


ad brought them to the edge of the

she is still here as you think. There is somethin

rs have found i

t would have vanished

and it is strong. You will circle the entire town to make sure she is still here as I su

e fun' Krea

ghed, waving them away.

r beastly selves. They were gone in an instant, running on a

t n

ven the clubs were closed this early in the week, but there was a noise, something out of place that disrupted the usual silence of the night. She sat up and threw back the duvet, grabbing the metal bar which leant against her bedside table. Stepping lightly she crossed the room, bare feet slapping on the smooth wooden floor. Rhian

ening hard, the metal bar


ould not be able to hear the sound. Nor would anyone else who was not a guardian. She turned back towards the night, leaping atop the railings of the balcony with the balance of a gymnast. Jumping to the house immediately next

nd fighting amongst each other like typical scavengers. Several of the bins were tipped over, with the heads of the creatures buried within as they

own on them from the rooftop; disgusted by the

e thought. These the world

m' she spo

ng. She fell right in the middle of the circle of the creatures, rubbish crunching under her feet as she landed. They scattered, not out of fear but out of surprise, many had bolted but no more than a few f

of bone that protruded sharply through the skin from the shoulders and spine. Others had upwards pointing horns, long thin tails and skeletal wings. An

truck it from below, swinging her weapon as if it were a golf club. The aberrant screeched in pain, writhing on the ground, trying desperately to escape her. Another aberrant roared at her in a display meant to intimidate. Rhian translated it

r. Aberrants they may be but they were still driven by instinct,

s' Rhia

ground, blood still dripping from the end. Rhian observed the animals she h

to herself. 'They don't

was rapidly growing, its jaw cocked sideways and the bones

brought the metal pole up

for many years; I wonder

rning (Satu

ing up from her wonderful dream and feeling regret that she was already forgetting it. She furrowed her brow angrily at the loud and overly happy sound of h


nor, how


pright, sudden

ood to hear from

Drake said incredulous

urning to look at the cl

irty' she spoke in

ur ago' Drake c

ng w


be st

thdrawing into her blankets

over; we were up late la

thing you want to watch before you go to bed

eone drives a lawnmower over someone else's face!' E

s horr

t, I had to ask Sian to tell me when they were coming u

scoffed. 'I thought you watch horr

dn't work anyway because Sian kept deliberately forg

fun then?' D


as she sat up beside to her. 'Hey you're takin

e' Eleanor

he bed, resting with her head on her hands. 'Cou

yourself?' Eleanor said

nt because my phone is broken' Sian

d dramatically. She

w if Lucas is comi

oth are' Dr

ned away with a smile and went back to sl

o now anyway'


ng out, and anyway you sh

are you off to the

here's going to be a show there t

perking up. 'Well

ed. 'Whatever it is yo

u Drake' s

ve yo

ed the

r was going to come from, and which direction she should run to next. Clutching the hem of her w

lose now, those

ction. The girl followed at a run, barefoot across the skate park and weaving in

and moments later, h

the skate park, appearing

alled Kreas hissed, crawling on all

Li sniffed the concrete feverishly, crouching close to the

ere' commanded

white eyes narrowing at her adversaries. They

alongside his own companions, a girl with long blue hair, and an aberrant, wi

us the further she r

ugh his fiery red hair as if in disinterest. He let his hand drop,

her' he said. 'Don't lose he

left her companions side, jogging she headed in the direction the one d

d. 'You are missing

e them chattered happily. His red

glanced behind him towar

he muttered un

d lately' the winged guardi

exasperated. He turned back to the creatures b

d seem' Li rep

s told them, daring to crawl close

o cried. 'We are try

And what do you think the king will do with her if you

her safe' In

sk yourself…do you truly believe that

igo began to groan, clutching

t least is in no positio

d his fists, j

ant to do ourselves an injury' she gleamed sardonica

e had fled. Indigo called for them to stop, though his efforts were futil

back to his companion. 'Cultur

round. 'I just…need to rest a while…' he lay back on the pavemen

the creatures, leaving the aberran

curses and words of hate towards the guardians for delaying them. They turned their tails and ran away. Th

aid when the

egan to

y though. She is here af

master asked. 'You'

sure, still excited from the chase.

he is trapped here. Wit

the mast

et to trap her also' Li

e have the same cause after all. It's just too bad we're not

Kreas said slinking forward

'You've done well Kreas, and Li' he

, transforming into

nuckles, and Li bru

t's become a game then' he sai

checked th

at was in the drawer, dumping the cont

' Reuben

in the

he kitchen. Lucas continued to scroll down the page on the laptop, listening

' Lucas called to his brother. 'Ju

his head rou


hut, turning with his arm

a job soon or else won't b

cally gets taken out of her bank a

itation. 'But what about food? We

rds are near enough empty….she could ha

is forehead with a hand.

' He looked to his older brother. 'One pound each

ituation has becom

the air and Lucas caught i

asked, picking up a hoodie from the

rents to visit family. Cousi

e to have a big family'

' his brother

what are you

Lucas shrugge

e going to

es' Lucas said, grabbing him round the shou

lock it?' Reuben a

like there's an

TV if things get

y not. Sounds like a good idea.' He t

short walk towards the shop where on

Lauralie' Reuben called as h

as Reuben ran

y g

d slowing to a stop. 'I

ake smirked a

uben asked as Lucas dragging h

y' Lauralie smiled. 'We'r

' Reuben

as street dancers' Drake replied.

uben said. 'Never actually

us?' Lauralie volunteered. 'It'll

efore Reuben could agree and result in them

ng. Disappointment was w

e such a bor

ared at ea

euben thought aloud suddenl

and glared at

y?' Reuben asked, i

cing on the balls of her feet. Drake had to steady himself as she used him for

nodded. 'We'll


be there tomorrow'

suddenly perked up. His

now' Reuben said. 'We

ried out excitedly

rehead and nodded at them, befor

of earshot, Lucas s

d you d


o go to this

ant to go?'

ant to go

cas, shaking his head. 'I know she can be


e that' Reube

t never

'Stick your finge

e a stran

d I look walking a

irked in

g away. 'Let's hurry up and

short time before

ously. 'She seems to want to spend a lot of time with


u seem

oss the road. Lucas suddenly grabbed Reuben

ucas relaxed his arm,

as continued their conversati

're careful, there

Lucas replied. 'I worry som

ful to avoid the cars. The weekend was always b

mistakes are kept to a

we were d

her.' Lucas paused momentarily, taking in the

to avoid t

cas said, stepping forwards. 'But in a town

hey were originally heading. It was only a short detour to the sh

e, giving lots of space to the people within. Some people did tricks on the rams and half-pipes, others hung around in groups watching the world around

a large lidless eye staring unseeing outwards, a

ike this. The sound of the wheels rolling on the concrete, boards grinding on the rails and the muttering of voices from the groups that had gathered continued a

stop, eyes sliding

sked pausing and glancin

here he stood, but he knew something wasn't ri

hat the n


her name

silently, with Reub

ark colours. As the brothers approached they saw what it was that had caught h

neeling before; was a thing the brothers had never seen in their lives. Lying on his front seemingly unconscious was a creature resembling a human in shape, but with the black skin of an aberrant. With flesh the shade of coal, he had large wings at his back.

rangest thought

augh. 'He wears bla

glared. She rose to a stand.

p it that way'

uben said stepping f

tched and she crossed

he were only asleep. His face was young, and

him?' Rhian

do you

I've watched several people walk

eemingly oblivious to the presence of the

euben spoke up. '

Is he the smarter of yo

come on Reuben don't look so angry' h

others, moving away from th

here are more of them; I don't know

Lucas asked rais

e not!' R

n at getting under her skin. Beside him Reub

alking around lately' he s

t them' Rhi

Reuben asked with interest look

hian said. 'I saw my first ab

er. 'We've never seen one before...

lack of knowledge. 'You don't know

nce, but he'd be dammed if he

attracts them, what dra

ited patiently

' Rhian breathed. '

at?' Lucas asked slowl

rcling, turning

many guardians. Like us. There are Philosophers stone

ou mean these things ha

Reuben butt in. 'See

y powers' she r

as deciding which question to ask first, but in h

suddenly noticing how tall he was, at least a head tall

look a

t is

replied. 'The ground

s as well' Reuben

the brothers

ame sudde

to get ou

rother's urgent change of tone. He gl

whipped round, tur

in a steady tone, 'Lu

life completely new, a life in a differ

ered in awe, head tilted back as the shadow passe

ed here' Rhian said backing aw

a moaning noise that sounded almost like the wind. It was a ter

' Rhian w

rp unforgiving talons. Its neck was shaped like that of a horse, and it had a small oval head, narrow eyes and a thin scraggly mane. The most bizarre thing about this aberrant however, was its mouth. It was l

over them, letting out a prolonged

s palms out, summoning flames that wreathed t

r. Its look was far too intelligent for ones liking, it was as if the thing was assessing them

d at Reuben. She grabbed him by th

res we

told him. 'You're not str

wled, yanking his arm out of her gri

oncentration fixed on the aberr

Lucas informed them, unc

beasts before' Rhian snapp

ve?' Reuben

ening?' Lucas step

a lot longer than yo

ld you know somet

Lucas called ov

t' Rhian said balling her fists

n answer' Reu

good e

s rather close.

your powers' R

. She grabbed him again. 'Are you stupid eno


ned its mouth

massive pentagon shape. The long tube of its mouth had opened outwards like a massive umbrella, now t

, though he didn't acknowledge it. He was fixed to th

uth again, shrinking it ba

He spotted her, standing on a half-pipe a safe distance away. There were black wings coming out of her back, feathered th

his brothe

The aberrant in one swift movement swung its mighty clawed hand. Its range of attack was far, its long limbs stretc

aside by his brother,

m fall to his knees. Behind the strange mouthed

ashes in his side, and blood spilling down th

e back of a hand as he did so and feeling blood t

p the bleeding. The first stage of shock was setting in, and Reuben could see his brother was pal


ing in a trembling voice t


ith wings splayed and tail flicking from side to side. He had a menacing dark au

Reuben thought as the w

any great spikes around its circular edges, the metal was painted vividly in black and red. These were w

peed, agility and confidence of on

berrant screeched in fear as the fire burned bright, forcing it backwards. It scuttled, like a panicked animal trapped on ice trying get away, tripping

where Rhian had stood not moments befo

ben gasped in hor

pressionlessly over Lucas. Lucas had fallen on his side

us' Reuben begged

bing his arm and forcing it up with a har

e stranger was not only an experienced

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