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The Guardians' Child (Jack Frost x Reader)

Chapter 5 Isolation

Word Count: 418    |    Released on: 21/08/2018

can't have children! Let alone a child that's Jack's! They were great friends, how could she have gotten pregnant by him? It was a lot t

indows calmed her for some reason. It allowed her to think, how could she have gotten pregnant? Did she know Jack before MM chose

nd what happened, we'reworried for you."(Y/N) could feel tears burning her eyes. She took a deep breath and tried to force themback. "I honestly don't know how to feel. I'm most likely pregnant with Jack's baby, I

nodded. She flew off leaving(Y/N) alonefor a while. She considered speaking with Jack just to

solation for the


as good ad I want it to be, but it's 6 a.m

r it to happen before my Spring Break which is in about three wee

ritten by us-Hi

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